Tuesday, January 17, 2023

A Pretty Good Day on the Missouri Flyway


One of my fondest memories about Missouri will always be Winter bluebird days when the temps are in the lower to mid 40's and the Sun is shining bright and clear with no wind, while over looking what we call large Corn fields but many other states call small ones as thousands of geese fly around. 

The Small-Hold used to be surrounded by many fields and once the goose flights showed up the air was a constant din of them flying. I could have set up a blind in my front yard and bagged my limit every day just from flybys from late November to February easy. I used to hear the constant ting of shot falling on my wood furnace or vehicles all daytoo. Some years the weather would drive the snows and blues West from the Mississippi and we would have thousands of them as well. Sadly those days are gone now as there is only the one field left and it was slated to be turned into a sub division again this year. I say again because it was fated to be a subdivision once before back in the O'Dumbo years of 2010. They even began cutting in roads but the typical Democrat money waste and accompanying economy ended that. Fortunately. 

Maybe that is what is happening again now? 

Regardless it was one of those days here at the Small-Hold today. I had no deliveries until well in the afternoon so I spent the day splitting wood and getting a few much needed chores done why being kept company by a few hundred lesser Canada's coming in and out on their feeding flights all day. No one hunts close enough to rain shot on me anymore though and I gave up hunting the day my water fowl partner died. Her name was Brit and she was the best damned retriever that ever lived. 

Actually that is a bit of a fib. We both gave up water fowl hunting the day Brit decided the living room floor was more comfortable than cold muddy water but I promised her I would not blame her so I still keep the old story due to habit long after she passed away.

I have been blessed to have lived along, played on and hunted for many miles of the Missouri river during my life. From the upper reaches of Montana and the larger lakes and hatching sights in the Dakotas all the way down here before it is lost in the Mississippi there is not one inch of it I have not loved but Winter along it's banks in Missouri will always be my favorite when the temps stay normal anyway. 

I still call the Mississippi below St. Louis as the Missouri River too. I think it was those damned Illinois Democrats that lobbied DC to making all the maps follow the ol Miss name anyway despite the Missouri being longer and much more beautiful than the polluted Mississippi, but they are like that over there.  

On second thought I don't care anymore let em have that cess pit flow.

Until I stood out there taking breaks today I did not remember how much I missed all those geese. I used to get a few raise some little ones on my farm pond from year to year and maybe I will finally get around to getting that pond dredge out again now.

Just so there will always be some around. It was fun back in the day watching em chase people out of the pasture from time to time. Mom always said the geese were one reason she had that pond partially drained.

I was going to mention the new Reparations BS out of Kalifornia and a few other things today plus post some pictures of the split wood I can't identify but I was too wrapped up in the water fowl today. Oh well gives me a topic for tomorrow now. 


Keep Prepping Everyone!!!



1 comment:

  1. I remember hunting geese after school. Gawd - that was living! 😊👍


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