Tuesday, December 27, 2022

I Antisipate Feather Light Posting for a Few Days


Made it through the storm as you all are aware. One hiccup I was not aware of at first is apparently I left some water in the very bottom of the line to the barn that froze up. Nothing is leaking but I can see ice in it and it is enough to keep it from flowing right now. So I am using up my emergency reserves to keep the stock tanks filled. We also have rain coming but so far a shortage isn't an issue especially since I only have 10 Sheep and 3 Goats left anyway. I am just waiting to see if the heat sources I moved over are going to work to thaw out that ice chunk in the line. 

I have no idea how far it goes back though.

Anyway I can guarantee  the rest of this week is going to be madness for me so I may not have time to post anything. It's end of the year and the transport guys and the factories are in a mad dash to get every vehicle they can find delivered before the last day of the year. I got almost 20 new vehicles in just today with 9 waiting for me in the morning plus whatever else comes in tonight. 

I am gonna be swamped for a few days. Thank the Lord it is suppose to be warm but I really need to get another load of wood in before the incoming rains I am seeing in the forecast get here too.

Always something.

I will post something as time permits or if the expected rush actually happens.

Till Then.....

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!



  1. What a nuisance. But it's just one of those things that happens. I hope getting everything back to working order goes smoothly.

  2. Can you heat trace the line PP? If so, do it and insulate the line and you’ll be good to go next winter…

  3. Stay warm and as Churchill said, "Never Surrender".

  4. Nice Mallard feather


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