Tuesday, January 3, 2023

I'm BAck!!! Happy 2023


Hello all. Believe it or not I survived the end of the year push it actually was only really bad one day into a second and then dropped off pretty fast. It seems that all the complaining I see companies doing about being unable to hire employees trickles down to mandatory over reach like forced overtime and such as well. I have it on pretty good reports that most of the new drivers have been refusing things like forced overtime and such. All I know is the whole mad rush just seemed to stop cold Friday.

Just as well as I woke up Saturday with the worse Cold/Flu like thing I have had in a long time now and New Years  plus recovering from that until this afternoon. 

I am so out of touch I have no clue what has been going on around the world. I will continue posting now though as I catch up. 

Happy New Year All!!!


Keep Prepping Everyone!!!



  1. Glad it wasn't a hectic nightmare! I have enough years in at my current job to now always take a week or2 off right after Christmas. I'm a horse hospital tech of 22 years and another 30 years in mostly horse farm management and know that July 4 and nye are the biggest crazy times. And now I'm old and don't always appreciate the adrenaline rush. This small 24 hour emergency hospital gets some duzys. Horses, usually expensive ones do the damndest things when fireworks are involved.
    I love your blog and glad for your writing about your little part of the country! The troubling times are here....

    1. Annie - It looked like it was going to be. I suspect the drivers are putting their feet down on some old practices and refusing to work longer hours and unexpected mandatory deliveries. I know a couple of models are now delivered separately by independent contract which is odd. Time are certainly changing that is for sure and I am waiting to see what numbers roll up. Thank you for commenting and your kind words.

  2. I'm glad it went so well! But I'm also guessing that it's a relief to have it behind you. I hope you can give yourself some time to rest and get well.

    1. Leigh - I am almost ready to take it easy again for a bit before the next cold blast hits.

  3. Happy New Year! Be sure to give your body time to recover from whatever "bug" got you!

    1. sbrgirl - Gonna try but I am getting old enough these days seems I do a lot more reacting than I do preparing for odd stuff like this.

  4. At least you didn't get sick during the week when the Canadians shared their winter weather. It's probably the reason why you got sick. Maybe you should send Glen a bill for all your self-medications you're gonna have to take. Just a thought...Happy New Year!

    1. hobo - No kidding I actually said a thanks to the almighty for that bit of timing luck believe it or not!!

  5. oregano oil capsules anti viral
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    1. deb - I hate oregano how do you make that? The wife loves that stuff and sneaks it and few other herbs into my garden without asking me all the time. I should make use of it... I also have residue the consistency of glue I am still dealing with :(


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