Thursday, January 5, 2023

Catching Up Finally


Finally I am starting to get caught up around here some, just in time for new problems I imagine but what else is new? After three attempts I think I finally found all the cracks in the water line that froze and busted and I am almost 100% sure I figured out why it busted too. The why happened as I was examining the line I had cut out and attempting to find the spigot combination I had before to buy. Well I don't think they make em anymore but I was able to kinda make one but the old spigot was full of water sediment kinda like a water heater would have. My guess is after so many years the combination of  the sediment and my not opening the ball valve enough allowed just enough water to stay in the line to bust the thing. I know I turned the spigot knob to drain it before the cold hit but oviously there was water in the line to bust it.

When I replaced the line today I actually turned the water back on as a test with low pressure and no leaks sprang out however I had not let the new line cure very long and it began to pull apart so I turned it all off and am letting the joint cement cure over night before the final test. AT least I know I got all the leaks unless there are some back under ground anyway. If I have leaks there I am going to have to dig the line out I am afraid.

Anyway it is not too soon as I used up the last of my stockpiles water reserves and the extra bit I got from the recent storm too. Eating all this hay makes the critters thirsty and if this fix doesn't work it is time for me to find some kind of temporary fix or carry heavy water buckets to em everyday until I can get a line dug.

As I said my last repair of the line has lasted almost 30 years but it is still a pain to keep it viable it never should have been run the way it was. I should have just bit the bullet and replaced it years ago but I didn't

Work seems a bit slower this week so far so providing the final test works tomorrow I guess it is going to be a wood splitting day as I have replaced everything we used over the Arctic storm and then some but I still have to get it all split yet.

Yep that one storm has set me almost three weeks back but now (knock on wood) I again ready to start moving forward and making progress once again. I just hope I didn't just jinx the entire thing.

I hate Winter.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. Insulate and heat trace those lines, PP! You’ll be bulletproof then…👍

    1. Would have to dig em up to do that any more than I already do. IT's where they come out that the problem always happens.

  2. read weather end of jan begin of feb going to be fierce


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