Saturday, October 29, 2022

Ukraine War the Movie


No matter how one feels about pop culture you would have to be a dead man to not realize how the Entertainment industry has been literally destroying itself over the last 10 to 15 years seemingly on purpose.

Only Western Feminist Liberals are capable of taking a beloved Iconic guaranteed gold producing cash cow that has been around for literally decades or centuries and systematically ruining it in a matter of minutes. Not just killing such an entity but stomping on it and smiling while they do so like they are somehow crushing representations of misguided beliefs of the past. 

All while blaming the fans and calling them names while they do so.

It does not matter how much loss of other people's money it takes they will destroy everything to tell their own version. Period. 

Do not believe for even one second the US Military is any different than any other icon of Historical masculinity or institute of White Male Oppression that has come before it to these rotting zombies of  cultural decay.

The Liberal White Male hating Feminist Multi-Cult has been destroying the US military since the first Democrat thought up the Community Re-investment act scheme to buy more votes in the late 1970's. It is now totally riddled with Trans leaders and woke beliefs, especially after the great O'Bummer purge and bait and switch that brought us such woke superstars as Miley and company we see now. 

But it still lacks one thing. A military victory. 

Do not be blinded by out dated beliefs the same ideologues that cackle with delight to put a  freakish pedophile twist into a retelling of a beloved fairy-tale from earlier days will gladly sacrifice every person on Earth to a nuclear death to prove the woke agenda is right. 

Wasting a billion dollars to these freaks is well worth it and a Billion lives is just as trivial if it means showing the world that their beliefs are right. No matter how they have to spin it. A nuclear war is just as viable a tool to these types as paying people to vote or subsidizing ticket sales and calling it profit to prove their message is popular. They will stop at nothing to have an outcome they can claim is a victory no matter who ultimately pays the price. 

Never forget to these clowns everything that has come before is racist and oppressive. It must all be destroyed and what better way to do that than to launch a few nukes?

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!



  1. And yet, the hell of all that is this: we sit around and let them do it. Nor can this continue. If we don't stop it, it WILL end badly. For ALL of us. You can't prep for this kind of thing by running away to the country and planting a garden. These people kill millions when they get rolling and the first thing they do is take control of the food supply and farms.

  2. Yeah sorry TB - no rebuke or offence intended. I just think that at this point, all forms of passive resistance have clearly failed.

    1. Filthie - I was not offended by any stretch, please don't think I was. I know I have had to change my role and type of resistance several times over in this fight so I take it in stride and understand some can not do the same things I have done or wish I could do right now. I know it is frustrating.

  3. there is an interesting 'black pigeon speaks' on you tube if you can get it
    youtube regularly dumps him
    it is about 'ncp's' i think 'non character players' [not sure of exact letters--maybe 'non player characters'] how about 80% of people literally are lacking brain to envision in their minds or converse in their minds
    i was startled at this info
    it was posted this year some time, i think after june
    see what you think
    explains a lot of things

    1. deb - I have seen it and yes it is NPC for non-player character as you thought a well known gaming thing. the NPC's are the ones who usually give the quests and interact with the players like they are programed to do. It's kinda joke since of course they have limited AI and abilities to differ of course. Basically just means sheeple really.

  4. Seems to me that many "good" people have a hard time truly believing that there are those whose sole ambition is to destroy the world as it currently exists. Somehow they are able to deceive themselves into thinking everything is just fine and dandy. After all, global destruction would suggest some sort of conspiracy at work, and we all know that's ridiculous, right?

    1. sbgirl - I agree 100% I think their are many useful tools that just have not figured out they are listening to deceivers right now.


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