Friday, October 28, 2022

A Rant For Posterity and the Future


I like to look at this blog kinda like an old mundane Medieval Manuscript. Produced by some hermit Monk-like guy (that would be me) chronicling the end of a way of life. I know kinda silly but then I dream that 100 years or so from now some poor grad student will find an electronic copy of my ramblings and use it to document some obscure fact of rural life before the great collapse that effectively made all liberal Feminist go extinct.

Hey a Man can dream....

One reason I do not use a bunch of links and such like I used to. Any student worth his or her salt should be able to cross reference the time line and connect any of my posts with well known historical events for the time line. That way they can also claim I am not biased in any way except directly to the local feelings of the time and how they impacted everyday life.

It is pure selflessness see. 

For instance every afternoon when I get home now I check out the latest ZIllow reports and other housing news sites. I chuckle as average mortgage rates continue to climb and reduce the chances of even more cheap houses going up and idiot buyers moving out here. I feel sorry for the ones that are already out here ruining my once slice of heaven as they watch their new houses' value drop like a rock. I would gladly pay for their loss somehow if it meant getting my utopia back but that ain't gonna happen so now we can all be miserable together... Thanks!!

When they default on their loans I will just have a new crop of idiots to deal with.

Maybe. Just Maybe. I might be lucky enough that what remains of the area will survive another 15 years or so like it did the last time Femocrats inflated the housing market with their hand outs, wealth redistibution and free money schemes the taxpayers are on the hook for.

One thing I can say now is I have lost a lot of respect for the local farmers. These guys pump their chests out and claim they feed the world but roll over faster than a drug addict 2 bit HOE when some housing speculator shows up with an offer to buy their fields. Sickening sell outs.

I also am beginning to see shortages pop up here and there. My favorite being any item made with real sugar and not High Fructose Corn poison is suddenly impossible to find almost. At least from the big companies that are now reducing ingredients and only pumping out those items that have the highest profit potential whether the consumer likes it or not. By Golly they worked hard to get the monopoly on buying the raw materials they will make sure you only have what they want you to have going forward as all the competition was bought out long ago.

After all that is the Democrat way isn't it? 

The commute from work these days is damned near a moving battle ground especially if I cannot leave before 1:00 PM. That is after all the non-workers or home commuters actually get up and start driving around looking for a fast food place I guess. I am surprised I don't see a running gun battle every afternoon. Used to be the morning commute was the worst but these days it doesn't start getting hectic until 11:00 AM at the earliest. 

Around here I do have to say that politically most people seem to be more intelligent than ever but prepared or just smart enough to see what a collapse will actually bring is probably at it's lowest point in history. 

I just scratch my head and wonder what these people think is going to happen. Do they think the electricity will still work as their own debt will just be forgiven? Maybe they are on to something I mean TPTB can't force em all into debt slavery I guess.

Ok I guess my rant is done for now.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!


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