Wednesday, October 19, 2022

The Plot Thickens


So the flat plain they leveled out is now almost completely covered in gravel and there is what appears to me an obvious footing trench dug out with stacks of supporting rebar waiting around the area not covered in gravel. This is an interesting development to say the least.

A couple of issues that might share some light on what is going on here. From what I know our county restrictions would limit where a lagoon can be placed and so far I see no trenches dug off of the footing trench, if that is what it is. Almost looks to me like they putting in a storage building and turning the rest of this area closest to me into a parking lot.

This might explain the raised causeway/road that would separate this area from the rest of the property. It makes sense as this family does own a trailer manufacturing company and have other gravel lots filled with trailer skeletons waiting to be finished out already.



That area they are digging in kinda right behind that power pole is far too close to the road to be a lagoon area around here. About a 1/4 mile down past the causeway they come even to the back of my hay field and right across the road from a small house that belongs to the neighbor's mother as they have me L'd in on those two sides. They are also digging way back in there now down towards the trees and it was reported the back area was where this guy wanted to build his own house.

If he puts any lots in looks like they are going to be at least 10 acres away from my house and more right in front of the neighbor. I kinda had a feeling these guys were somehow in bed together with my neighbors anyway and I am betting this arrangement was a good old boys deal from the start now. My neighbor had that field leased for the last 20 years anyway and was probably how this new owner knew it was up for sale. 

I suspect at this point the natural shape and contour of the property along with the clean streams regulations in the State, County sewage regulations that are a real pain and the fact this guy wants to put in a lake along with the failing housing market has killed the dream they had of a subdivision. They may be able to put a few small lots down there in front of my hay field and neighbor's house but that would not leave much land in the back for another house as I see it. 

My guess is at this point at most I am going to have a parking lot full of heavy equipment, a pole type storage building and a bunch of small trailer skeletons over there. Unless he has made some underhanded deal with the county commissioner and got around the very restrictive sewer laws we have anyway as there is no county sewer lines out here at all. Unless this guy decided to not build his lake anyway I just cannot see any way to fit anything else in the property he bought.

Only other possibility is if they did in fact buy the field on the other side of the tree covered ditch I mentioned they might place houses over there assuming the other side of the lake would be there as well. That would still keep houses a good 500 yards or so distant with the parking lot between us and them. 

Not gonna stop the traffic on the paved road though. Still would kind of protect us from the West somewhat. I don't mind equipment I just hate people.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!



  1. PP, I think the turn in the economy is going to put a lot of subdivisions on hold - maybe for a very long time indeed. Here is hoping.

    1. TB - Ya this crew over there isn't known for their up front honesty to everyone but I do not have any personal experience. Guess I will eventually find out what it is going to be but a building and parking lot has to be better than houses for me. Not a whole lot better but I always knew it was a possibility.

  2. Go to the county and find out what is going on. Or, just walk across the street and talk to someone.

    1. Tewshooz - I already did that once and was obviously told something different than what they are doing it seems. Pretty much everyone lies these days does no good to ask.


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