Tuesday, October 18, 2022

RIP Corn Field


So it looks like what they have done is grade the hill down until it is on the same level as the drainage ditch in the back which is where the tree line is. Judging as well as I can this area we are looking at cannot be more than 8 acres. They cut an opening and access into the trees on the left side and are now putting down gravel for an access road that leads to the paved county highway.

Just on the other side of the gravel road where you see the grass stop they have chewed down about 15 feet in my estimation to level that up to the rest. On beyond to the right (in the picture below) they are digging out further in front of the raised causeway/road they have down there. 

Looks to me like the now flat space in the above picture is going to be cut up into four lots, with the gravel they are putting down making a + sign kind of affair. Unless, and this is all too possible  I fear, the hole they are making to the right is a community lagoon and the flat plain they are creating is a trailer court. 

Or the equivalent there of.

The part further back is maybe another 20 acres but it goes back further than the trees from the first picture. There is another field back there but the back half is what I have heard is where the buyer is building his house. No telling how much he plans on cutting out for himself or if he even owns the other field at this point.

I can just see that hole they are digging out now becoming their excuse for a lagoon to sell these lots up front as I cannot understand other than for trailers why anyone would bother to level them out. 

The field is completely ruined. The area is completely ruined. I cannot understand why they would level that area for house building as the grade was perfect for the garage cutting earth contact they like to use around here for smaller foot print houses. Only thing I can think of you would bother to level a five acres field is for a trailer court.

I don't even want to think about the kinds of problems a trailer court is going to bring with my house being the only target for half a mile of more. Loose dogs running around, kids out causing problems.

Just great

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!



  1. Sorry for you. That sucks. There has been 2 instances of vandalism around here in just the past 2 weeks. The bullshit is ramping up.

    1. Anon - Thanks. YA I just don't want kids wandering all over the place due to the liability issues.

  2. They must be very optimistic about the economy and housing market.

  3. Seeing fields torn up always makes me a little sad. These days it seems like everybody with a few extra acres is putting in a housing development.

    1. sbrgirl - I know right. It is disgusting how much every one seems to want to expand suburbia.


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