Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Saudi Arabia Joining the BRIC Nations


If this is true the days of the US as we kinda knew it are over. I say kinda because I at least am not 100% sure losing dominance as the Petrodollar and a BRIC conglomerate able to with stand Western economical pressure and tell the US to go Fu$ch itself is actually a bad set of circumstances for true Americans. 

The Biden Legacy: Saudi Arabia Confirms....


From the Gateway Pundit

Of course this will cause more inflation as the US losses a lot of it's clout which has equaled cheaper prices for many resources for Americans, especially in the supply and demand area. Yet before too long a move such as loss of Dollar dominance should begin working against the outstanding US debt and especially begin to limit the amount of unsecured government debt these tyrannical Femocrats can print to buy more debt and push their anti-White New World agenda. 

This may in point of fact begin to level the field a lot more than the one world types imagine. 

I am not going to wargame the scenario. I will probably be gone before things start to really show how this will effect the future. O'BiteMe might launch a nuke tonight,  We may discover a new form of energy next week or seals may start breaking in the morning. Pretty sure I won't be shaping the world of the future but let your mind wonder a bit. Think about everything that has changed and how our politicians have manipulated these changes. Coaxed them, financed them, used every dime they can squeeze from us and then even trillions they are hoping to squeeze from our grandchildren through debt.

Then imagine a world where a government has to live within it's means or has very limited access to fairy-tale financial schemes. Think about how England wished to financially break a fledgling colonial nation with paper laws and regulations but did not have the money or debt power available to enforce those laws with hired thugs. 

It just could be the Democrat political tyrant wannbe's are hurting themselves more than us this time.


Keep Prepping Everyone!!!! 


1 comment:

  1. While I enjoy some guilty pleasure from Schadenfreude of the Femocrats troubles I am reminded of the old Proverb

    When Elephants fight the grass suffers.

    You and I are the grass here.

    When English pound lost its status as the worlds reserve currency, the English navy once across the world shrank pretty quickly into mostly yard queens until today, they can deploy just two frigates and their "Flagship" the Queen Elizebeth aircraft carrier that has ONLY a US Marine F35 squadron for its strike wing. Years of "The Winter of our Discontent" where nurses were paid with IOU's, people were told to bring in clean linen and food for their family member patients in the hospital and massive strikes where garbage overflowed the streets for months.

    When they lost reserve currency status EVERYTHING doubled or more in price IF it was available at all.

    Winter isn't coming, it's here. Tempus Fugit


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