Saturday, October 8, 2022

Looks Like Independent Information Sources Are Being Oppressed Now

Hearing rumors this morning that most all Independent News and Info channels are being de-platformed, oppressed, demonetized, restricted etc. On Y-tube  from several unverified (for me) sources.

Seems funny that follows after the O'BiteMe regime has just moved to stick their executive nose into mass censorship rules too.

I have noticed a few of my favorite channels have gone silent recently too.

Stay tuned. May just have to move totally to Rumble soon. 

At this point the Liberal World Order and the WEF One Worlder's are going to force a reckoning and global war no matter what. Probably to get the ball rolling before the election next month or some other nefarious goal.

I should make a new Prep Level chart cause it would be at Emergency Level 1 now.

Get Prepared...


  1. you can be sure that election disruption is #1 goal now even if they have to kill us all first

  2. My internet and Phil's at Bustednuckles we live about 4 hours driving time have been wonky the last few days and wordpress has been a bear to post and moderate comments and features will stop working and we haven't changed any settings. It may be the runner up to WW3 and faeces impacting the fan and everything else...

  3. Rumble has just announced that new "terms and conditions and community guide lines" will apply. Pay Pal announced that if they catch you spreading misinformation - they will penalize you by taking $2500.00 out of your account. The blow back on that one was immediate and overwhelming and they have since reversed themselves.

    I think the message that needs to get out there to our moral and intellectual superiors is this: "You can be put on a list too. And you can be made to pay through reprisal and retribution too..."


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