Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Feds Raiding Amish Farms Now?


By January it will be an all IRS raid to stop all non-government controlled food production.


  1. Worse than that, it's a raid to stop all non-government controlled production.

    They're coming for the "self employed", and they intend to eleminate that business model. Further, as long as we use their money, they have the absolute means to accoplish this goal. The "middle class" has no future within their economy. We *must* stop using their money.

    1. No argument there. Whatever we use currency needs to be backed by a tangible asset to stop manipulation as we have today.

    2. Perhaps the easiest transition would be to pre-1964 silver coinage.

  2. It is as I said. You will not evade what’s coming by voting or merely by escaping to the country and growing a garden. We are dealing with neoMarxists here… and them, food and starvation is a weapon. The Soviets starved millions of farmers in their rise to power, as did the Chinese, the Cambodians, etc.

    Passive resistance will not work with these guys. They are going to have to be destroyed. If they aren’t they will eventually destroy themselves and take us with them for the ride. Just my two cents, I hope I’m wrong.

    1. Anon- Voting does not always work that is for sure but not voting never works 100% of the time. As for resistance that requires a measurable amount of common consensus to be effective. What the West is facing today is not one form of tyranny but an allied conglomerate that is finally being forced to attack itself to continue. Resistance is important but it must fit the scale appropriate for the stage of the consensus. The next big step is going to be the emergence of recognizable oppositional leaders which must be in place for true resistance to spark. Until then we are really just at the propaganda stage but increased tyranny will move that along quickly.

    2. Here’s the problem though, PP: I want my govt to put my interests as a Canadian first. End mass immigration, get a handle on govt growth and spending, clean up problems with corruption and incompetence.

      The liberals tell me I am a racist and a fascist with unacceptable opinions (quoting Justin Turdo verbatim). We get more of those things. The conservatives listen politely and even agree…but we still get more of those things.

      I don’t consent to this. In any self respecting country, guys like Trudeau and Biden would never appear on a ballot. They are ridiculous people. The system is broken. The wheels are coming off, the roof is coming down.

      Until we reckon with the people responsible, they will just keep coming back and doing what they do.

    3. Filthie - I could write a series of posts on the topic. You are not wrong. Your vote probably means nothing right now as it is always on the losing side, even if the other side doesn't cheat. The problem is not the voting however the problem is the entire system of Democracy, assuming Canada has one or effectively has changed into one, I am not an expert of the Canadian political system but
      When a system turns into Mob rule Democracy only the mob ends up having a say.
      The tyrants figured out which groups they needed to appease to maintain the greatest mob cohesion. Men like you and I are not part of that mob. What does one do in that case? You either sacrifice yourself for your beliefs, which has merits I admit, or you attempt to grow your own mob and await either your own efforts bearing fruit or misdeeds by your opponents shifting the balance as well. It could even be a black swan event that tips the balance.
      Right now I believe we are seeing payoffs at it is highly likely the Leftist conglomerate will begin to suffer in the near term so much that it will end on it's own. That doesn't mean the movement as a whole has only one way to move in the direction we want it. Voting has a place in it, not voting, armed resistance, passive resistance. They all will have a part to play before the end.

  3. literally coming to shoot you and your children to get the lone tomato plant in the pot on your front porch
    the thugs from irs will all have traceable id so impromptu burial will not hide them
    all things and people will be traced

    1. deb - I wonder how fast before they trace and if it would something they could back trace with as well? If they can only pinpoint than I foresee maybe a lot of searching down stream :) Seriously though I believe that would encourage a transition to the next level which would be organized resistance. Something we have not see yet.

  4. All resources are limited. If your tomato is a resource worth coming for, they may not have the resources to come for it. They'll try to get your neighbors to do that, or tell thugs they can keep one out of every five tomatoes. A "traceable" agent, coming to see what happened to the previous tracable agent, might meet the same fate. If and when people actually begin to defend themselves, *everything* changes.

    1. that is one agent at a time removal.. one or two agents disappear --bomb the entire area

  5. Find and read, or listen to, a book called, "One Hundred and Four Horses." I stumbled upon it a few years ago. It's the real life story of a farming family pushed off their farm when the government scrapped the constitution and started handing farms over to non-farmers in the name of "equity." It's a fascinating story and instructive.

    1. Thanks JustSayNo I will look into it, in fact I already did. I am not much of a horse fan but the period and circumstance/journey side of it does appeal to me. :)


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