Sunday, October 27, 2013

Sunday Reading - There Are Limits

Sometimes I think the era we are living under today should be named "The Time of Limits". At first that sounds kinda funny when you consider just about everything bad that is effecting us seems to be out of control or beyond it's limits.

Spending, regulations, government, population, control. Name it.

Yet I can't help but wonder if what we are really seeing is all of these things reaching their ultimate limits. There has to be some hard boundary out there somewhere.

Certainly many things effect where those limits are set from one time to another. Several years ago I kinda sidestepped into a 400 level Sociology course that my adviser talked me into taking as a 500G course. I was actually glad I did as it opened up a whole new side to things I hadn't really contemplated before. The class was named Contemporary Sociological Theory or some variant and true to it's name it presented some interesting theories from some sociologist that of course had never been proven. One theory in particular had to do with just how far control could actually be enforced.

I looked everywhere for that old text today and could not find it although I know I kept it so I have to resort to old memories but I seem to remember some studies done that showed the cost of police state type controls costing so much in resources and man power as to be completely unsustainable. The conclusion was that the only way to effectively control one segment of the population was to ultimately make another larger segment the controllers.

It stands to reason that some of those numbers can be off set by technology and cheap energy inputs but at some point the numbers must play out.

Police States take massive amounts of manpower to oversee them. It takes boots on the ground and storm troopers on each corner to enforce and even then they cannot see everything. The more ludicrous the law the more effort is needed to enforce it.

This theory fits nicely in other areas as well. For example I think the current Obama-Care saga is a good example of control that has over reached it's bounds. There is no amount of money or shady election numbers in the world that is going to force such regulation on 300+ Million people. What may in fact work in much smaller populations is just not possible here. 

Across the board we are seeing the limits of control in many areas.

Keep in mind that once these limits are reached is when things become their shakiest. We are only one or two Black swan events away from shattering those limits.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. The best police states get the people to enforce the rules themselves. We resist the notion, but best evidence is that propaganda is very effective.

    1. Russ - that is pretty much what the guy mentioned in the course text. You had to have a sufficient number of haves who benefited fort he police state to work.

      I think it is important that the US today doesn't appear to be going int he right direction with that any longer.

  2. Did you take the crash course?
    This really backs up what your are saying. It seems too late to correct these problems and things just have to run their course.

    1. SF - Oh ya I took the crash course thing prolly four years ago at least. I agree with Chris Martensen on many things,

  3. P.P. You and your stop and think postings. What are you trying to do?? The Librals aren't going to like it when folks start thinking for themselves. Its easier for folks to stick their head in the sand then to deal with issues.

    1. Rob - Easier until it really hits their wallets like I think Obummercare is doing.

  4. I think the biggest limit of all that has been reached is the limit of cognitive dissonance the average person can carry. This also means the limit of compromise. Compromise is no longer possible for a huge and growing number of people. Our personalities cannot handle it.

    TPTB are going to be working overtime now to beg us to compromise, to come back into the fold, to stop gumming up the machine. It's not that we wouldn't love to do it. It's that we simply cannot do it. And that gives me great hope. Though I lay awake at night concerned for the safety of Ted Cruz.

    1. Anon - I know I am beyond compromise of any kind. I just wish the Republicans in office would get past it as well.


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