Friday, July 28, 2023

When Confused Be Wary


Something is just not adding up. A few days ago one of the Fed mouthpieces claimed that the only thing slowing down housing was the lack of inventory yet I just listened to a long line of numbers showing how many of the Top US buyers have been selling houses 2 to 1 vrs. buying for sometime now and that the number of declined new applications for housing loans have rose by 11% month over month. Also a discussion over how car companies are once again reporting sales rising over all yet auto loans refusals are up 13%.

One hand in all this news isn't following along what the other hand is pointing out.

How can we have an inventory issue with record sales and record declines on loans?

All major players in this current game is standing together and hiding something it seems, and they don't want us peasants to know. 

While I have always considered the larger the conspiracy theory the less likely it stays a secret this reminds of one that is not considered as likely at this point. Not sure what that could be at this point but as I pointed out a few days ago new construction seems to have stopped near my area for months now.

A building proclaimed as new industry that was finished months ago now sits around with the doors open and Windows off in an empty field. While a few hundred acre plot that was surveyed and began cutting in roads was suddenly planted in soybeans and left alone.

I admit I don't know how every area does things but I know the area around here and if these people have an area that close to finished it gets finished.  Not ignored for months unless their is a very good reason for it. Last Fall I had people stopping by telling me they had purchased a lot across the road and were already scheduled for a new house starting this Spring. Now all I see over there is more bean field and a new garage by the road.

Not saying there aren't good reasons but something suddenly made a lot of plans change around here and quickly at that. Now what could do that? And from many different directions with different reasons at once? 

Whatever it is, has Politicians scared and conflicting themselves openly even within party lines or across party lines. Has the media announcing opposing view points or insight without blinking an eye.  Has lending institutions hording money they are hiding and spreading lies they are broke while flaunting long established rules  while doing so, Like 30% for the average cost of living per housing property. When did they decide assumed lifetime cost of living numbers just get swept aside? When did credit scores suddenly become useless?

Nothing adds up anymore. And when things don't add up  it's time for seasoned soldiers to port arms and stand in the most defensible location they can find.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


1 comment:

  1. Agreed - there is something incredibly odd going on at the moment. "GLOBAL BOILING" is now a thing apparently, some senior global mouthpiece in a $5,000 suit said so. Apparently a 5th bank has just gone broke in America this year, and it's still only July.

    It's almost like we are supposed to be constantly terrified of our own shadows or something. Not a good time to have any debt, to be dependant on medication or a functioning electrical grid.

    I remember that quote from "Twain" about having lots of worries in life, most of which never happened.

    I look around; the wife and I are fat & happy, have a house, cars, "secure" but incredibly frustrating well-paid jobs, minimal debt, all of our essential needs met, and as many "wants" covered as we reasonably could desire. We are so very fortunate and very, VERY grateful.

    If we turn off the internet, TV, radio etc etc etc life is incredibly good. But we are training our asses off to get as fit as we can, saving as hard as we can, paying cash as much as possible, and looking to get into the country as far from towns as we can - our small town is suddenly getting swamped with people who don't look like us or share any of our values. The locals loudly think it's wonderful to be able to get "Abyssinian (et al) coffee/cuisine" at the local corner shop. Pretty sure they won't be so happy when the minarets appear and the wailing starts.

    The writing is on the wall. Trouble is brewing. We can stay & fight or leave the cities to the government imported people.


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