Monday, December 12, 2022

Preparing For the Unknown


I personally can no longer decide what the best way to prepare for the future is anymore. The only thing of value I can think that a person can count on from from one day to the next these days would be a learned skill. And who knows if you will be in a place a skill can even be used?

Don't misunderstand me as I still believe a few things are chiseled in stone for the future, I am just totally uncertain what will happen along the way to that future.

A person can be totally out of debt. Have everything they need stored at their finger tips. As much good arable land as they could possibly use owned outright free and clear. Food stores to last years and hundreds of thousands of financial resources stored away and there is not one reasonable guarantee any of it will make it through what is coming.

I read today that brain dead BiteMe is bailing out yet another pension plan. That is at least three recently that I know of and he is still proclaiming the student loan forgiveness is going to happen. These are just the tip of the iceberg but the point is always the same with these Democrats. Buy as many votes as they can and make another group pay for it.

There is no protection against such a racket. The Constitution has no sway because no one up holds it any longer. There is no longer a need for the consent of the ruled because that consent is already bought and paid for even if they did not know they were agreeing to it.

As I said I have no doubt that the unlimited Democrat vote buying credit card is ending, but we still have to get there and that is going to take time. Time for the world to catch up and reality to sink in. Time for the downside effects to such reckless debt creation to take effect and as that time ticks by the same Democrats will try every scheme they can come up with to keep the unquestioning easily bought voters on their side.

This will mean total amnesty and voting rights to every immigrant, Reparations to anyone not a While Male, wealth redistribution without end, Taxes on everything owned since most democrat voters don't own anything...they rent.

In other words I may have everything needed to survive and live self sufficiently but what do I have that assures it won't be taken by the stroke of a government pen?

I have seen many a well informed and right minded individual proclaim loudly we should be doing something.  Or "Our ancestors would be fighting back already" . I agree with the emotion but I question the steps to get there. I say "Our ancestors would have already declared themselves Independent by now".

I have always had the plan that no matter how bad things got that as long as the land I own is able to sustain me this is where I will be. I see no reason to change that plan and I am now too old to contribute more with a better plan anyway.  If that changes perhaps my stance will change as well but I don't see that happening at the moment.

So I will hold out as long as I can. Under my own understanding of the Constitution and will resist any and all efforts to dislodge or otherwise make my position untenable. I will not invite trouble but I will not willingly destroy my own wealth, future and/or property because the government says I have too for whatever reason or vote buying scheme they come with either. I will not give up my possessions nor any right which is mine granted to me by God and The Constitution.

Any normal person should be able to live a peaceable life under that oath no matter what State he or she lives inside within these United States. So there should be no trouble with me doing so.

Keep Holding Out Everyone!!!




  1. Oh, brother, I hear ya.
    My state just voted to restrict my ability to protect myself and home by deleting my 2nd. Amendment rights. . . and, as such, the rest.
    Keep yer powder dry.

  2. Meant to post that as Sarthurk.

    1. Wow Sarthurk - I hope someone brings the SCOTUS down on your state's Democrat infestation and tells them to shove their anti Second Amendment non-Constitutional tyranny down their throats like they have done in other states so far.

  3. Preparing for the unknown? That's a really deep subject littered with more than a few rabbit trails. I know because I've spent a lot of time on that subject since Desert Storm.

    I know to cover the rule of threes

    3 seconds without security (armed robbery anybody?)
    3 minutes without air (might think about a smoke hood, cheap and I know personally how well they worked in an Ex-wife trailer fire) Side effect if they think your dead that *might* be a blessing, eh?
    3 hours without shelter in nasty weather. Clothing helps, I keep an aweshit bag in the car with blankets, winter boots and winter clothing. I always bring a bottle of water (as it freezes around here) and some energy bars. A GI canteen cup and fire gear makes hot drinks, melting snow possible. Simple things like a good whistle, mirror, silver-orange survival blanket helps folks find you.
    3 days without water or Bad water. Day one your thirsty, Day two your weak and wishing for death, day three your wish is often granted. Please remember if you use a water filter they NEVER really dry out and IF frozen the filter cracks. Thus, BAD Water. Keep a new unused water filter.
    3 weeks without food. Not fun once you've missed about 9 meals, plan accordingly.
    3 months without HOPE. Got to have something to live for, just the facts. Solzhenitsyn has a lot to say about that in the Gulag.

    I know human nature under stress, and I've studied enough history to know to what lengths will go to maintain their PRIME DIRECTIVE Keep and Expand their POWER.

    To protect what you have remember rule #1. They cannot steal what they know nothing about. Even skills can be stolen under EO's about skilled persons in Government needs in Emergencies.

    Enough for now, it's a comment not an article.

    Always pray for wisdom and have a good relationship with your creator. We all will die soon enough, and it seems wise to have that prep up to date.

    1. Michael - I am worried bout the new IRS snooping coming soon myself. It may bring with it some before unseen tyranny.

  4. those things that cannot stand, won't. tyrannies take a while to fall but when it comes, its sudden. matter of time now, yes. i'm old. i can't project power any more. but i will uphold the constitution here, on my land that i own. try and take it, you will, but it will cost you dearly. if others did the same, the fall will be sooner. i hold no illusion, i'm dying anyway. free men need to realize we all are. they need to remember we don't fight to be free, we fight so that our children are free.

    1. Riverrider - I like the name btw!!! I used to do a lot of canoeing and Kayaking around here 20 years ago or so. I am of the same mindset. Going to do what I can and getting too old and tired for all this adjusting.

  5. Health first: work on a strong immune system, you *will* need it, and a strong body that will do what you ask of it. Next is basic, simple martial skills, then bushcraft skills. After that, you need a reliable and secure place to keep and do things. Then, you need farming, construction, and manufacturing skills. After that, the materials to do the later. Then finally whatever you think will be used as money (likely pre '64 silver coinage).

    1. Fido - All good advice and Ideas!!! I am betting food maybe used for money more often around these parts but that is just me. Big issue I have though I can already tell my body won't do near what I used to ask of it routinely. Darn it !!

  6. "...but what do I have that assures it won't be taken by the stroke of a government pen?" PP, this is why many of us make such a stink about the Second Amendment! THIS.ONE.PARAGRAPH of the Constitution is what protects us from "the government pen." It is not idle bravado when I say that if "the government pen" comes for what's mine, I will resist to my last breath and my last round... I may go down, but I will NOT make it easy!

  7. This is the very hell of it, isn't it PP? The die was cast long ago. It was loaded, and it got thrown again, and again, and again. The game was rigged, we all knew it, but rather than fight with the guys that rigged it... we went along and gritted our teeth to keep the peace.
    They took that (correctly) as a sign of weakness and cowardice, and the game got ever more pozzed, lopsided, and dirty. The dice comes up in their favour and never ours, and we just shrug and turn to our preps, or our hobbies or chores and try to ignore it. And our elections are stolen by gutless clowns.

    But it's too late. Now our elections are stolen. We now think like sheep! PP... if the Constitution is a worthless scrap of paper- so is the stroke of a pen made by some liberal asshat on whatever document they have on them. Everything in life is a choice, right up to and including slavery. Our founding fathers and pioneers accepted this, and lived and died by it.

    Ultimately, we can only do the same. Or... we can 'prep' by learning to live as slaves.


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