Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Carrying Capacity? Have We Reached Peak Population?


Carrying Capacity used to be a regular posting I followed back in the first iteration of this blog. Mostly dealing with numbers of wildlife or stock that could be kept per acre but branched out into many other areas as well. 

As I have been looking closer at ways to improve my new woodlot and perhaps increase it's appeal to other types of wildlife I have also been following my normal routine of following specific topics dealing with this new chapter in the overall collapse of Western civilization.  Let me tell you it ain't pretty.

I am not going to bother with hyperlinks dealing with articles and such to support my claims today. I imagine many of us are passed that anyway at this point and ultimately they will have little bearing on where I think this post today is going anyway. 

Many areas of the US now are claiming the housing market bust has already exploded and left a positive wasteland complete with high numbers of now EX realtors and  housing speculators. Some are already predicting abandoned and rotting newly built sub divisions for the near future. Reports of 8 plus percentage point declines in less than a month and even 50 to 100K price reductions on properties too. 

With this kind Femocrat inflation we are dealing with and the cost/loans many new home buyers got saddled with the last year or so it could be devastating.

This of course is just a form of Carrying Capacity of it's own in a way but in reading this particular form of collapse I was re-introduced to a once popular subject of over population, the current droughts and predicted massive food shortages many say are on their way this Winter. Along with energy shortages too.

What has had me thinking was I can remember when over population was all the rage back as a teenager. There were of course many different figures thrown around as the ultimate carrying capacity of the Earth that varied from half a billion people to 90 billion or more. I believe that back in the 70's and 80's the most agreed on number was 9 Billion.

Now supposedly this figure included things like averaging in technological improvements,  innovations, a larger and younger work force, natural disasters and long term climate fraud etc. But as I was reading about the drought which seems to have expanded all the way to the Mississippi now plus droughts on just about every Continent as well (plus all well known large river systems) I cannot help but wonder if these older figures for the Earth's Carrying Capacity included things like world wide racial equity or equal gender rights and diversity hires made up of quotas and the like.

Wouldn't these types of policies have a long term effect on the final numbers?

Now I am of the opinion that large scale disasters like world wide famine would very quickly be resolved in a very old style manner but I find myself wondering if all these liberal world leaders do not have some kind of adjusted figures they keep to themselves (to stop panic I am sure LOL) and perhaps the general opinion is we have indeed reached their accepted threshold at the 8 billion we are about to hit.

One fact I did find is the case that for the last 4 years the Earth population as a whole has consumed more food than it has produced each year.

Of course there will never be an agreement on this topic right or wrong even once the resource wars break out in earnest. In fact they may already have. While none of this answers every motive or over reach that is happening it sure would make sense if a number of world leaders believed we have in fact reached peak population. Most of them would surely believe they can manage things better than individuals anyway. 

Just musing on an old subject is all.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!



  1. Like anything else P/P, the powers that we have to contend with say one thing, screw it up another way and throw money at a problem to be laundered back with their cut or pay offs. When you have governments and NGOs destroy or hamper production, either food or manufacturing and impoverish the population and introduce open immigration/invasion your carrying capacity is wholly diminished. They want 'Hunger Games", they want a feudal system in place to control and rule over and determine life or death if we don't go along to get along.

    1. Cederq - I pretty much totally agree with you but in this case I do sometimes get the impression that not everyone is coming from that NWO perspective. Some few I think are sincere so I was more trying to look at things I think come from that angle. I can see how a sincere person might get to the same ends that way in case I ever meet one :)

  2. "One fact I did find is the case that for the last 4 years the Earth population as a whole has consumed more food than it has produced each year."

    Would you mind posting that fact link please? Not that I'm doubting you, I've seen too much data suggesting we have little to no food reserves left but that link would be great.

    1. Michael - I am sure it came from an Australian article about over shoot day or in that search range. I just went back and tried to trace my steps but kept getting food waste articles this time. I swear they change search results by the minute these days.

  3. I wonder if there’s a mechanism that makes humans flip out on their neighbours and want to kill them…and the herd gets culled that way? I look at the fights we’re having… and they are just so incredibly stupid. You’d have to a child or a mental midget to fight about this stuff… but morons gather in swarms to rage against adversaries they shouldn’t even have….

    1. Filthie - Just not being able to get something they are used to getting seems to be enough for some people to turn on each other. Some cause they are bored maybe? Who knows with people the way they are now.

  4. the sincere are the useful idiots used by the nwo
    the power hungry will say and do anything to rule over whatever is left of the world after they have finished starving, 'medicating', gene manipulating and nuking the place and its contents [us!]

    1. deb - I fear you are 100% correct. I still hope there are some who are different. I doubt I will find any though.


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