Tuesday, September 13, 2022

The Last Survivors


We are fast approaching the end of this years gardening season. The cucumbers are completely gone now. Mostly from me walking on them and cutting them back. The water Melon plants are down to one survivor on it's final attempt to finish off three remaining melons. It might do it too I picked the forth one from it Sunday and gave it to a co-worker so I am curious to see if this one keeps going to save some seeds from.

I am still picking about a 5 gallon bucket full of tomatoes each night. We have frozen so many I am just taking most of them into work now too. One of my co-workers is a very old friend, we are talking grade school friend and she just walked into my little cubby hole office/closet and stole my entire bucket this morning. She really likes the yellow and orange ones. 

We are having tomatoes of some type twice a day now. My favorite are bacon, tomato, egg and cheese sandwiches. I think I could live off them forever but I might have to trade for a pig when things fall apart.  Probably won't be too hard to do I know my neighbor buys about 200 of em every fall to raise and he will want to trade. He doesn't keep chickens anyway so I am sure we can make a deal.

About the second week in July Mrs. PP discovered she had four volunteer plants that she thought at first were some kind of cucumber. I had her dig em up and turns out they were Pumpkins. Normally I don't plant things along the squash/pumpkin or gord line in the main garden, due to squash bugs but I had a little section kinda open so I had her put em there about the end of August. Sure enough when the pumpkins had spread pretty much everywhere here came the squash bugs and cucumber beetles.  They killed one plant pretty quick and the remaining two were barely hanging on after the leaves got so thick I could not keep up with the bug killin. This week however a funny thing is happening. The pest load seems to be reducing itself fast. The two remaining plants seem to be bouncing back somehow and are now sporting five pumpkins (three green and two yellow ones). The remaining pests are still destroying the new blooms and shoots but the fruit seems to be growing again. 

I am wondering if I maybe should start planting pumpkins once again but do it later in the year to reduce the time these pest bugs have to destroy them?

Maybe I kinda slid into another experiment here.

Still haven't decided to break into the potatoes yet. They are still pretty green on the stem side so I am going to try and let em go until the end of September if possible.


Keep Preeping Everyone!!!


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