Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The BERS are coming

Yes Boys and Girls the BERS are coming. In less than a week it will be September and that means I need to start shifting gears into at least a day or two of wood cutting every week. I haven't been keeping up with my cutting this Summer at all as I have just been too busy with the bees and other projects but now I must start fitting some chainsaw time in.

Not one to procrastinate (at least now that the mold allergies are almost gone) I got out the polesaw and began trimming some trees around the place today. I have a number of very large limbs that need to come down where I hope to finally get the new fruit trees planted next Spring and I have some smaller trees that are right in the way of the projected driveway as well. These are all green of course but it is about the right time to add some green wood into my stored stack to help with over night burning this Winter. Not alot of course but some is good and the trees I have to cut are low sap varieties anyway.

After that I will drop the few dead trees I have within easy access and start my "needs to be split pile" for the monthly roll out of the log splitter.

The "Farmers Almanac" is predicting a hard Winter for us and wouldn't that just fit in with the current developing scenario?

Better safe than sorry.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. Oh no not the bers! I cut most of my wood in the winter when it is cool but I have some dead limbs and trees that have fallen to saw up but it will be on a cool day. I will do much work in hot weather but cutting wood isn't one of them unless a tree is blocking the road. I built a portable saw buck and have been learning to use a cross cut saw after all what will we do with out a chain saw one day?

    1. SF - I don't mind the hot weather when cutting as much as I mind the brush and bugs. I once did a post on cutting wood without fuel use. I did an entire load of my trailer but only used hand tools assuming I would have horse drawn power. My theory is very few large trees will felled and mostly you will take the smaller stuff and understory first.

  2. Yes it is time to start thinking about winter. I saw the story on our up coming winter, it doesn't surprise me it will be another hard winter, MN had snow into May. Too many folks are going to be caught off guard again.

    1. Rob - Well I just am dead certain I won't be one of them this Winter....

  3. I read the Farmers Almanac outlook for the up coming winter. They used words like "Bitter cold" " Coldest on record" and "Piercing Cold" they are calling for above normal snow in the great lakes and midwest region. And has even predicted a major snow storm for New England Feb. 1-3. Last year they did that and was only off by a day or two...

  4. Watch yourself with those trees. I dropped a big limb some weeks ago, and it didn't split off clean. Instead, it swung down and around and knocked me flat. I hate cutting trees.

  5. Check out the latest post on Jacked Up Glock Mom's blog. That Lady is not someone to cross swords with. You'll see what I mean.


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