Friday, August 23, 2013

Please Wait

I was going to do a  post tonight on my thoughts regarding Bee Colony Collapse Disorder. I had posted over on Harry Blog I would do so but something has come up and I spent the entire evening until sundown trying to deal with it.

Small Emergency of course it will more than likely end up having a hefty price tag.

Anyway I am beat and loaded for tomorrows market and my computer is running like crap. All my settings got messed up and the new install of Firefox is giving me fits. Won't even show the comment box on blogs unless I do a refresh. Very annoying.  I will do a CCD post tomorrow evening.Need to get some sleep now.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!


  1. Your computer problems are really strange, what operating system are you running? Windows 7, 8, xp?

    1. SF - I am still using XP. I have my son's computer that is newer than mine I am going to upgrade into but haven't done it yet. The problem is firefox it is running sluggish and now the comment box on blogger isn't showing up unless I refresh the page. Just odd stuff that is annoying because I got used to it the other way.

  2. Standing by for further orders.............

    1. Rob - I order you to go find a new place to live!!!!

  3. oh Fudge ! well that just sucks. Hope your Bee issues and PC problems will work out. Good luck at Market tomorrow.

    1. JuGM - No bee issues. Spacey wife issues. The market was great!!! Thanks for the wishes :)

  4. make sure you get some sleep buddy...and good luck at the market tomorrow! i can't wait to hear your ideas about the CCD - you are one of the few who i read and trust when it comes to keeping and taking care of bees! and if we all don't start taking CCD seriously - we could be in real trouble.

    your friend,

    1. kymber - I have it mostly written already but then decided it would be the perfect Sunday reading post so look for it early tomorrow.

      To give you a sneak preview my opinion is that it's the keepers more than the bees in a way.

  5. PP,

    Darn, I'm sorry to hear about you having computer issues. Good luck at the market today.
    Don't forget in your spare time to drop me your address.

    1. Sandy - I seem to have a lot of computer issues lately I think it is time to finally upgrade.

      I will get right on that I promise. I am such a bad emailer. I really don't like email for some reason or I guess it's not that I just get interested in reading and forget to check it is the problem.


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