Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Things I Have Noticed Locally


As I walk around the place assessing all the damage from this horrible Summer I am noticing some real changes since even after last Summer when the invasion of immigrants descended on what was once my rural utopian society there are some new ones to take note of.

For one thing as I have noted before, last Summer I couldn't even mow my 1000 + foot of road frontage along the county highway without getting into a fight with some biker. Not that I have anything against bikes but it seemed silly that these guys would ride around on a rural highway that was  covered in not only grain and hay residue but loose gravel from the side roads and then have the nerve to scream about a few grass clippings left that kept the shoulder open and clean as being such a safety concern.

Sorry but if a little grass makes a street machine that unsafe they shouldn't be on the road to begin with IMO. I never once remember complaining about anything like grass on my bike back in the day. Except when the cops came to pull me over, something they did all time before people flush with government cash bought all the "off road vehicles" anyway. Now the deputies ignore them.

I am sure they didn't appreciate my sign reminding them if they don't like the grass they could always park the bike, get the cow riding on the back off and blow until it was gone for that matter.

I later found out some guy had tried to buy a lot down the road and moved in a rented shed than hung a sign on it declaring it a  local weekend drinking bar and wanna be biker club. One Saturday evening I counted 50 some odd bikers with cow riders on back heading down there until I just didn't care anymore and went to bed. 

This year the shed is gone and so are the bikers. Thank the lord.

In fact last year I was averaging a car or bike every minute down my road all day and all night and a literal parade of Side by sides from about 4pm until 10 each evening and all day on Saturday and Sunday. By the first part of this Spring and Summer I dare say those numbers had fallen by half.

Last night I sat out on my deck listening to the coyotes and tree frogs and averaging may be one vehicle every 15 to 30 minutes at most. Not only that not one side by side and almost every vehicle that did pass was a type that looked like it has belonged here since 2010. Light duty truck with a trailer hauling hay or the occasional White country boy with a tailer and weed eaters doing the only job the Femocrats have left em with...A lawn Care Business. Plus the occasional delivery truck until about 9PM then nothing much at all.

The supposed "industrial building" already added to my tax assessment still lies unfinished with no windows along with the proposed new Sub-division next to that which has all the new roads they cut for it planted in soybeans now and one garage. Not even a footing poured that I can see anywhere.

Of course all the trees are still heaped into a pile rotting by the gravel road.

Not sure what any given excuse is for what happened to the horde that was everywhere last Summer. I know the local businesses are still looted every evening and constantly packed with people but I am not seeing them on the roads as much these days.

I hope they all succumbed to Femocrat money looting and Student loan repayment fears and sold off their side by sides. There have been no more loose dogs terrorizing the local area or parades either since the storms began.

Maybe the Small-Hold and this little bit of rural America managed to dodge a bullet once again.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!



  1. Would it be a reach to think that ...someone... in your county may have dropped that "industrial building" where it is so it COULD reassess the value of your place, and at the same time count as a tax write-off for ...someone's... cousin or brother in law?...

    1. Pete - It's certainly possible who knows the way people cheat others these days what the actual motive could be?


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