Saturday, September 6, 2014

Tractor Time : Actually Working

Yes believe it or not the dead period of August has come to an end and I been logging the hours at work once again and so have the tractor girls.

It's important to keep the machinery clean don't ya know.

I will be catching up on comments and posts later this evening or tomorrow morning. It figures work would heat up this weekend as the big tractor show is going on up in Booneville Missouri right now. I really would have liked to go this year.


  1. Take the girls with you, that last job got them all clean and presentable. Take lots of photos.

    1. Hey I doubt I would get as good a mileage nor make good driving time with all them stuffed into the car with me. Of course it would make finding driving partners easier :)

  2. Got to keep em well lubricated too.

    you're friend kimber


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