Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Mental Disorders and the Decline

Rev. Paul over at Way Up North has a post up showing a group of teens walking down the street all talking on their cell phones and asking the question Sheeple or Zombie?

While I commented that I often wonder if the loss of cell phone towers wouldn't prove as bad as the loss of EBT cards his post reminded me of another topic I been mulling over for a few months now. I am not sure I have sufficiently thought the topic out enough to do it justice but I will try.

We have become a society full of every type of mental disorder one can think of. Sometimes I feel that perhaps it's a scam and really as a society we are no different mentally than we were even 100's of years ago. It's just promoted more today. Makes me wonder if what we are seeing with all these mood enhancing drugs and mental health workers isn't just a move for money by those who benefit. Then sometimes I look around and realize in today's world there are just so many more mental traps for people to fall into that perhaps it isn't so much a scam after all.

I imagine that a post collapse world will not be an easy place for those with mental problems to live. It certainly isn't going to be easy for normal people but it's going to be far worse for those with behavior or social issues as well.

While an expert could write volumes about all the various mental disorders out there I personally seem to observe one particular type over and over again. Kinda a type of Autophobia that seems to be getting more and more prevalent as technology grows. A need to be constantly talking and visiting with others.

I couldn't tell you how many Ex Coworkers I observed being walked out and fired over the years because they couldn't leave their cell phones alone for even three hours. Mostly Women I will admit but a lot of Men as well. It was like being alone with their own thoughts for even a  few hours  was worse than  being unemployed or starving to death. Admittedly the job in question was loud and repetitious so their will power broke down much faster than if they were able to do something interesting but still if they couldn't make it two or three hours then I imagine in a survival situation they would drive themselves crazy in only a few short days.

It wouldn't be just cell phones and the internet. Without plentiful fuel supplies people would be stuck and most of them unable to walk even a  few miles for company.

Let's face it the post collapse world is going to become a much lonelier place than it is now. Might be best to deal with it and figure it out before the time comes.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. Just happened to notice "Bacon & Eggs" on your list of blogs. If you haven't heard, Sci Fi Chick died of a heart attack. Her last post was of all she had to do and her big plans, as always. I admired her grit in homesteading and never whining about her hard life. I will miss her excellent example of a free spirit. Julia

    1. Anon - Yes I got an email the other night about it and since I knew several other bloggers were planning on doing posts about her death I elected to just remain silent and let them speak for me as well. Sci had a good sense of humor and more importantly a level head and the intelligence to see what true self sufficient living was going to take. I find those to be rare commodities these days.

  2. In many ways, I think folks with minor mental issues will have it easier in some ways, once things retreat.

    In 2002, I was in a high pressure, high speed retail environment and constantly stressed out. That summer I went overseas for a month where (once we got out in the boonies) there was no electricity for the most part. No cell phones, no TV, we didn't have a radio ( we did have a battery powered cd player ) and of course cold showers and bucket baths (sometimes with slightly rusty water). We pooped in a hole in several places for a couple of weeks. and for the most part went to bed very shortly after dark and was up with the chickens.

    Man, I flat out had a ball. I lost 20 to 25 pounds that month and didn't starve. I felt like a different person having gotten away from modern society's traps. I got back to the states fell back into the same ol' rut and it didn't take long to return to that state I was in before I went overseas.

    I think those that are just tired of society and the constant BS and weirdness we are exposed to over here will similarly do much better in that in regards to their mental well being.

    Now this doesn't include those that are truly insane due to some mental imbalance. And it certainly doesn't consider that those low level mental cases on meds may have to go through a withdrawal period once their silly anti-depressants run out.

    Of course, there will be a big difference depending upon the availability of food and each individuals ability to take care of one's self. Those that haven't ever experienced how the other side lives or in your case become self sustaining, or aren't quickly able to adapt to changing situations are truly going to be in for a rude awakening.

    1. Matt - I don't know about having it easier but I will agree I think many will adjust because they have too and ultimately may find themselves happier overall once the dust clears.

      Perhaps they just need to get used to doing without the instant communication gratification high or something?

    2. Which ever way you go with this..... it's certainly a good start.

  3. Not too bad.

    So.....humor me, what did Solomon ask for?


    1. I already answered that question. Perhaps you might want to be a little more to the point if you are looking for a more specific answer?

    2. Bah Matt! I wanted to play with him a bit longer.

      I liked my first answer that he asked the Queen of Sheba to move a bit to the right though :)

    3. But you're always right about everything (snorts) and I have to get em where I can....

    4. LOL you sound like my wife :)

      I just love trolls though.

  4. I think most mental issues are due to drug use. Fired brains anyone. I have a mental condition, but it is due to my getting hurt on the job and have part of my foot removed, and the fact that at 54 i'm am now retired and living on a fixed income. I can't stand more then 10 to 15 min before I start having pain issues. I could take pain meds, but then it goes back to drug use and worry about being an addict

    P.S. Like I posted just a bit ago this post didn't show up. blogger showed me you posted 22hrs ago.

    1. Rob - I sometimes think the real mental issue is how we deal with our defects more than anything else. Everyone has problems but some are more easily dealt with than others.

      Ya I know this post never did update anywhere that I saw.

  5. I have seen people get issued drugs for mental issues based on a theory that there is an imbalance of chemicals in the brain. When I ask what test they gave to find out what chemicals were out of balance and which chemicals they were, I get told that there is no such test that they have figured it out. Well this smells of the same theory/guessing that got us into the global warming money making scam. So people get doses of drugs based on theory and drug companies get rich. Of course there are legitimate problems and drugs that work but the old rule of follow the money seems to apply.

  6. All those silly, lazy teenagers gaming online all the time will have to deal with Reality. I don't see it going over well. A friend sent me a youTube video of some stupid teenager (old enough to be shaving) having a temper tantrum worthy of a two year old when his dad drove a lawnmower over the kid's video games. Not survival material IMHO.


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