Sunday, July 16, 2023

Sunday Reading - Tools!!!


All and all it hasn't been a bad week. Things slipped off quite a bit by this weekend, so much so for the first time in over a month now I actually was able to take Saturday off. That also makes me wonder if it's going to be a new normal and has me a bit worried.

We got either a lightening strike or a close call that caused a feedback load problem during one of our storms the other night that went so far as to leave the circuit arching back on itself and started a small fire in one of the outlets I installed some 20 or 30 years ago.

It really did a number on it too and burned half of the top socket away but was contained inside the metal box. Luckily I was right there when it happened and shut it all down.


So I started getting all my electrical tools in order. Most of them were still in their special assigned box but of course some of them have migrated somewhere. I had to go and buy a simple line voltage checker as my meter is gone and I forgot just what a PITA wire shielding on three strand electrical wire is too deal with. I can tell what happened to that socket as I had the power line exposed too far and it shorted itself when the arch hit and started a fire in the plastic. To be honest I have never used that outlet anyway so I just got rid of it this time around.

I also found a forgotten about electrical outlet while I was in the wall too. Way back when ny first wife wanted a huge salt water fish tank and I had mounted it in a false wall complete with the filters inside the wall and under the tank with an access door. When we divorced I quite using it of course and put my little freezer in front of the access panel and forgot about the entire thing although I did wonder why that circuit was still live over the years. 

Well it still worked and has been running my freezer during the repairs.

Anyway I still have one outlet to fix as I bought a standard outlet and need a three prong one for the final repair, the wife is picking on up on her way home from work today.

It was fortuitous that this comes up today as I just got finished watching a new video from David Bryne today that is related.


A few weeks ago Deb recommended this blogger to me and at first I wasn't real impressed with him as the videos I watched he seemed more interested in modern types and methods of agriculture. Like basement Hydroponics and the like. I soon figured out that was just one topic for him and since then I have become a follower of his and would recommend a watch to anyone.  Except for the gold sales ads Listen to him his vidos has come to be informative and thoughtful in my opinion. SO Thank You Deb!!!

The real down side this weekend end was when I went to finally get to use my favorite mower and it didn't work. SO I had to get the stand by back out. I was so jazzed about it too.

They are forecasting more rain within the hour and I am watching it come in on radar so I guess my other plans for the day are on hold until it blows over. Suppose to cool it off some which will be good though!!!


Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


Addendum -  So I had to go and buy a new line tester. I couldn't read the directions to save my life but I trust the shopowner and he said it did just what I needed. After 20 minutes of trial and error and using my wife's eyes we finally figured out how it works. Is it usual for old guys to be so confused with new directions? I have notice lately all new instructions seems to have new rules for understanding I seemed to have missed somewhere. Is this normal for anyone else?




  1. also, really small print. When my eye doctor told me I would be blind in 40 years and I asked her (unironically) well what causes that? She suggested I should eat more leafy green vegetables. Also you page is blurry. You should do something about that. Or is it me?

    1. It's like they go out of their way to make print as small as possible. I was attempting to read directions on a box, and while they had tons of room to put giant pics of the food and what it is supposed to look like done, I had to go get a magnifying glass to read the instructions! I too have noticed the verbiage is awkward when reading certain things. I can only surmise that English is not their first language and that the translation makes our brains tweak a little.

    2. ...We keep a magnifying glass in the kitchen drawer... and not to burn ants with either...

    3. Budd, Pete and Anon - That's why I keep the wife around these days to real the fine print!!!

    4. The magnifying glass... My wife put it there... For herself...

  2. You might want to have an electrician test the runs those receptacles were connected to, PP. If the overload was able to jump the airgap between the contacts in those receptacles, it may have also jumped between the conductors within the Romex in the wall, causing a carbon track between the two. This could cause a fire down the line, even if it isn't presenting symptoms right now. An electrician can "meg" the conductors to be sure there's not a high-resistance connection between any of them.

    1. Pete - Good Advice. I think the power line came out from under the screw when I tightened it up on that outlet and allowed the arch. From what I could tell. I am also going to replace ever jumper in that box too. it should be about due after all this time I think!!

  3. Having cataract surgeries July and August
    Have to ask random strangers in store to read prices for me, esp on bottom shelves. Not limber enough to get on floor level.
    My marquis computer is dying and wiring needs replaced
    23 years old so computer replacements not made any more
    Looked on line at vehicles with twice the mileage of the merc-- they want more than this house is worth for a used car with 200,000 on the odometer!
    Praying Jesus will help us get transport
    Mule cart might be more reliable, except veterinarians are so high dollar these days!
    Truly we will all be feeling the squeeze soon
    Satan is delighted
    If the USA falls it will all fall eventually
    Pete is right, electricians are $$$ but might be good to have one go over the system
    David dubyne syncs up historical records of volcanoes et cetera with solar weather. Very interesting


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