Sunday, June 25, 2023

Sunday Reading - Survive The Goverment!!!


Ya know I really kinda thought things were getting back to normal in many ways. The flood of vehicles seemed to be slowing down some at least for a few weeks but after a brief pause picked back up and then some. I kinda understand this renewed frenzy of business and government vehicles. I mean they had to go almost 2 or 3 full years without spending public money so I imagine they were jonesin bad, but although there does seem to be an end to the really highend models someone has turned on the spigot for lower end stuff and while they were at it turned off anything dealing with quality control  and and/or communication too.

I am getting swamped with vehicles that seem to have been cobbled together from spare parts with all the little niceties (like keys) just kinda tossed in as an afterthought and allowed to end up where ever. Someone seems to be going overboard with the special car stickers too.

Delivery notices? Good Luck with that.

I had a lady show up yesterday in a panel truck with no paperwork. It looked like an old slightly longer 1990's style UPS truck but had a brand new VIN. NO delivery paperwork and not assigned to anyone that I could find. Had some wierd looking keys and the driver said she had been unable to even close the doors so had driven the thing with open doors all the way from Chicago.

I went and played around with it and it took me over an hour to get it locked up that's how complicated it was. I am betting it's a courtesy delivery for a state agency that has not contacted us yet as I did find a some other paper work in a hidden compartment too.

So ya we are getting vehicles delivered but they seem to be piling up. I actually got a call Saturday evening asking me to come to a meeting Monday morning to discuss a game plan on where to put all these vehicles. I haven't been to a work meeting in probably 10 years. I usually just tell em to let me know where I can't store vehicles and leave me alone but now we have to have some meeting about it that won't be followed anyway and all these vehicles will end up where they can fit in the end regardless.

It really seems to me that someone is in a panic to get these vehicles out to some parking lat somewhere no matter what. 

To top it off this heat wave came in with high humidity and has forced me to become a pre-dawn gardener.

I popped out this morning before 5AM and disturbed an entirely new skunk neighbor and a male bobwhite quail. More on current animal issues later but all my animal neighbors are not amused right now. Old retired sheep, stray cats or local wildlife are all having issues right now and expect me to fix things like now.

I have not seen a pre-July drought this bad in well... forever. I don't think the outside temps fell below 89 degree last night and my tomato plants are getting leaf curl bad. I actually lost a melon plant from the heat today.

Just about every section of the country I have checked on is calling for a property tax riots now and honestly I would join them. I still cannot believe they valued my 200 year old farm house at 58K higher this year and all that while building a big ass now empty building right across the gravel road.

I looked up scamdemic PPP loans today and now I know why so many low life empty shell companies are buying empty land around here and throwing up over priced houses in the middle of nowhere. BiteMe's frigging government gave em millions. And now they expect me to pay for since they over estimated and now everyone is out of money. I recognized many of the names from around here, one so called company that got 1000's is an empty useless field about 5 miles from here and of course the people that started building on the lots next to me but have now stopped where they are were on there too.


But the most interesting thing about the local PPP loans gift list? Was the local farmers were went bankrupt were not on there.  But all the ones who bought new land around here were.

What a Fuckin SCAM!!


If we survive the mostly Femocrat but certainly government corruption coming to us over the next few years, I will be surprised. 

They have finally went too far and sealed their own fate, but will they take us with them that;s the question.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. Yeah, about those plain-vanilla vehicles.

    The trend in the factories is to alternate high-content, high-profit vehicles with plain-vanilla. The thinking is that the workers will get swept down-line on the profitable vehicles but be able to catch up on the simpler, lower-content vehicles.

    In theory, the worker is supposed to hit the call (andon) to get help but there is only one team-leader and there can be four people in a station being swept downstream. And there are times when the extra is in the can or covering somebody who had to hit the can.

    It works up to a point, but past that point you have workers without enough time to secure-and-check-their work on the plain-vanilla.

    Plain-vanilla stack up in the pipeline because they were not built-to-order. At the end of the model run the pipeline gets the soon-to-be past-model, plain-vanilla flushed out.

    1. ER Joe - Problems I am seeing now is nothing seems to be left where it traditionally has been for years. Key codes etc. are just thrown in willy nilly were it used to be they were always in the same spot before. Makes getting things done without even paperwork a lot longer.

  2. I've noticed a lot of home building in our current state, as well as our home state. In both areas expensive houses are being wedged in wherever builders can find random lots, or sadly, former farms.

    1. sbrgirl - What I noticed around here was a lot of construction companies that got PPP loans who then bought large tracts of land and started throwing up new houses. Seems rather like a very privileged group to me.


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