Sunday, May 10, 2015

Sunday Reading - A Nation of Colonist

A phrase that seems popular among the liberal and entertainment crowds these days appears to be the claim that the US is a nation of immigrants.

To pull a multi-cult card out of the deck I must say I take a certain amount of offense at such a claim. While there is no denying that many an immigrant has set foot on to the shores of America it is purely nothing more than misleading propaganda to claim that all peoples currently living and calling themselves Americans are in fact immigrants or the descendants of immigrants.

Immigration wasn't a real part of the American experience until at least the late 1800's and then didn't really get started until the 1900's. Before that time most of the people coming into America were colonist. Yes there is a huge difference.

While an immigrant enters a nation or society already fully functioning and finds his or her own niche either by taking a job, buying land that is already producing or whatever a colonist hacks his or her living out of the wilderness making a life for their family along the way. Many a family that today's liberals want to claim came from immigrants were in fact colonist who moved through the East and took up the mantle of colonist as they ventured West to find their place on the frontier that eventually joined this country.

These colonist did not wish to come into a society and take someone's job, nor profit from whatever infrastructure had been put in place before them. They were not looking for a handout. They wanted the freedom, independence and satisfaction of making their own way in the world while carving out their own property or life in a land that was previously untamed and vastly under populated and under utilized.

It takes a special kind of self sufficiency and determination to enter the frontier far from street corner doctors, city funded fire departments and daily trade. It takes planning, long term vision and steadfastness not found in just every culture around the world and these traits breed true for generations after colonization is complete.

The Liberal Feminist can claim we are a nation of immigrants all they want but we are just as much, if not more, a nation of colonist too and they would be advised to remember that.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!!!


  1. The term is definitely being used as an insult, as though those of us with European backgrounds don't really have a right to be here and therefore have no say-so. So convenient to pretend they're not in the same boat!

    1. Leigh - Want to really see their heads explode? Mention that Amer-Indians migrated here and stole the land from early Solutrean peoples. Literally their eyes will bug out and their heads will explode. It's kinda fun to watch.

  2. here! here! that is one of the best comebacks to all of those idiots, be they libtard or feminazi, who do try to claim that everyone in north america, except the First Nations Peoples, are immigrants. that's balogney! and your explanation is one i will be using to explain this concept to any idiots i encounter!

    much love! your friend,

    1. Kymber - And I think a large number of families in your neck of the woods can not only claim to be colonist but refugee loyalist who became colonist twice too :)


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