Thursday, September 4, 2014

Tractor Time: Out of Uniform

Time to hit the road again. Despite what the operator in the top picture seems to feel is appropriate I recommend you wear more substantial foot wear when operating your tractor. Then again the girls in these two pictures seem to be mostly out of uniform anyway.

Where's their plaid?

At least the tractors look ready to get some work done.

As usual click for larger image.


  1. LOL, you have no shame!

    have a great day!

    1. Izzy - It could be worse. I could be some old guy who blogs just so he can get attention from internet chicks :)

  2. I hope you aren't paying those girls much, I have yet to see one doing the least bit of work. I would have to take there uniforms away from them if they didn't get busy.

    1. Sf - I think there was a blond who was forking out hay in one of the early pics :)

  3. Stay safe on the highways and byways of America sir.

    1. Rob - If they would let us use cell phone disruptors it would be a lot safer out there :)


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