Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Happy when it Rains?

We finally got our rain. The thunder and lightening woke me up about 4:30 this morning. There had been a nasty looking front coming across Northern Missouri but the future forecasts had shown it skirting by North of the Small-Hold all evening. At some point though after I turned in for the night it took a dive and came South and dumped a bit over an inch of rain on us.

No complaints about that to say the least. The rain should help my newly sown pumpkin seeds sprout quickly and we needed rain all over bad. The gardens and roads were turning to dust already.

Of course now I can't get back out and weed any more nor can I do much about the bees either.  There are a couple of areas I can do some good, mostly along the edges where I already have mulch but all day long every time I go out to start weeding those spaces it starts raining on me again. Not a hard rain but a drizzle that builds up until I decide it is actually going to really start raining and I go inside. Then of course it stops raining.

Doesn't that just figure.

So it's been a pretty blah day to say the least. I have a little over half the garden mulched now but my tomatoes are starting to show some stress from the weeds over taking them and if I don't get busy the corn is going to be completely enveloped. Add to this the fact that I am going to have to mow again as soon as it dries and as usual I got a real time restraint problem going on. Or in other words a typical June :)

Once I finish hauling that last wheel barrow load of barn mulch the garden becomes almost maintenance free but I sure put in the hours to get there.

The newly caught swarm from last night is still in the box I placed em in so that is a good sign. It's entirely too wet to drive down and get the swarm out of the trap at the Orchard Apiary as well. I guess I need to nail together some open frames in case I am forced to rubber band some comb after leaving the bees in their temporary boxes so long.

I will give weeding one more shot and if I get rained on again I will switch to shop work and build some more bee stuff this evening. I am sure once I get into it the sun will come out.

Still I can't get this song out of my head today...


Least someone has no complaints about the rain :)

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!


  1. We have had several storms go around us but supposed to get what you got pass through here tonight.

    1. Sf - Well we are getting our storms now. As usual we need the rain but they sure put a cramp in my things needing done department....

  2. We've had approx. 1.2" of rain in the last week, total, which finally slowed the wildfire to the south. Still too dry here; I hope you can get back to your fields before long.

    1. RP - Getting more rain again today here. I may have to put on my mud boots to get intot he garden I guess,

  3. we are about to be pumpled by an approaching poss. tropical depression. They aren't sure if it will form that much or not. But the entire Gulf of Mexico is rain...
    I swear Florida is going to snap in half from all the rain we have gotten.

    1. JuGM - Ya I heard Florida has been getting drenched but hasn't it always gotten a lot of rain or am I mistaken?

  4. Pretty dry here. I scored a football size swarm yesterday just in time before dark. Asked the gent. if he would call me an hour or two earlier the next time. :-)

    1. MV - Not sure where I stand as far as swarms now. I need to just brave the mud and go check on traps and such.

  5. I like the kind of rain we used to get here, where it would cloud up and rain for fifteen minutes or so, then quit .That kept the forest wet but not wet enough for things to rot. This year it rains for hours, stops, rains during the night, and rains again the next day. Everything stays wet, moss starts to grow on the roof, makes it hard to keep things in shape.

    1. Harry - Ya all that wetness causes serious maintenance issues. Ours should be over by the end of June more or less then dry until September.

  6. We don't much rain up where I am in Idaho. I miss the storms from when I lived in Arkansas. Bees are one of the next projects I have on my list of things for the ranch.

    1. ER - Can't go wrong with bees!!! I wonder what they would forage on up that way.


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