Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Tuesday 7/16/23 Day 910 Of Western Collapse


It's pretty much just been storm after storm around here lately. At least one coming through daily it seems. It's more like Spring around here these days but has generally cooled off a bit though still hard to get yard and garden work caught up.  Seems like news and examples of the ongoing collapse are everywhere these days but a few pieces of information that have recently caught my eye are where BiteMe called up several Reservists for military service from the IRR or inactive reserve and sent them to Europe. About 400 and something that I saw listed. 

This caught my eye because as I remember it IRR means you are done usually as being eligible for recall except under  specific need situations. Now I admit my knowledge and experience is extremely dated these days but I have only met a very few personnel to be needed to that level before and it was always warrant officers before with a high degree of experience in Helicopter mechanics. It was always been short term too.

One person I knew was called back up for a few weeks because they  needed some one trained in the old artillery nuke school for one last unit going through training and then disbanded the whole thing when it was over. Or so I was told. To be honest the way they change things these days I could be way off but the story caught my eye it would be easy to be called back for long term service after being a civilian for a few years I imagine. Might have something to do with all the stories I have seen about low recruitment and retention numbers.

To be honest reports of Iran attacking tankers, Us munitions shortages and rumors just out today that Russia is beginning a new offensive plus the up coming BRIC summit next month with rumors of a Gold Reserve Currency being offered makes me hope that the BRIC nations will show some restraint after these corrupt Democrats rob the US blind and leave us at the World's mercy.

Some very smart people have been claiming this type of scenario has been something China has been counting on with US debt for decades. We are too broke now to fight back and keep the various bought and paid for Democrat voter groups happy. The list of time to refill the military munitions needed was measured in decades for some arm types that I saw (like stinger missiles) and of course brought on the claim that the US needs to go to a war footing. They think we are broke now wait till they start taxes us to pay for those!!!!

I can definitely say I am noticing a real slow down in everything  again, traffic, congestion, supply, you name it but is it permanent or just a false flag? I am not ready to say yet.

I did go and increase my chicken herd this weekend. Made the rooster very happy!!!


Keep Prepping Everyone!!!



  1. Between Biteme telling the world that we're low on ammo and calling up reservists because the military doesn't have the personnel to cycle out the troops in Eastern Europe... which is WHY he's calling up those reservists,... he might as well be on the phone with Beijing saying "We're a bid nest on the ground! Come and get it!!!"

    I'm not seeing shortages, most likely because people can't afford what's on the shelves. Same goes for housing. Gas out here in the West has gone up thirty cents in the last week. No one with a brain is driving more than they need to. If we don't get some DEflation going here, everything will stagnate. Of course, DEflation screws things up as well. My guess; the Donks are trying to keep things going on one engine until "Election" Day, 2024... What's that I hear? "TER-RAIN. TER-RAIN. PULL UP. PULL UP...:"

    1. Pete - Your probably right as well as the Dems trying to make it look like nothing is changing until election time for the less than aware typical Femocrat voters.


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