Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Resistance and Culture Wars Part II


I could continue on with more stories like from part I. The history of the woke creep into pop culture and it's interconnection with all sub genre of entertainment is complex to say the least. A lot of it goes as far back as the 50's even but sci-fi and fantasy fans often embraced such changes with enthusiasm for obvious reason.

Such changes were now cutting edge. exciting, sexy, unique etc.

Why it only took Verhoeven one shower scene in a movie to permanently change an entire culture of one franchise permanently it became so popular with fans.

Lets face it by the 1990's most all of fandom across all spheres just wanted to ignore most politics that did not have some direct connection to "save the planet" or "Love Everyone" and for that they were willing to give pretty much any attempt at social messaging or manipulation a quiet pass.

In an effort to be "Inclusive" the Activist Social Warrior Entertainer" was evolved.

It is fortuitous that right at this junction we are greeted with news of the loss of the current "Diversity-Inclusion and Equity" officer from Disney. Who has been a prime mover and shaker in forcing these changes on not only the company in particular but forcing such beliefs in hiring, deciding on the direction of storylines, fans and supporting other warriors of her like and causing financial failure at all levels.

As things continued on however many of these Social Justice antagonists had to openly attack fans as they could no longer use a sugar coated lie as an excuse for their open hatred. Fandom began to wake up. Old favorites of all types were finally forced to support the base or suffer constituencies like loss of revenue als Anhesuer Busch. 

The manipulation of pop culture finally began the great awakening the world has needed for years. I have seen more out right refusal of woke, Feminist ideas during the last decade than I ever saw prior to this. 

Pop culture may not be the most serious or important topics confronting us these days but it is a topic that pretty much connects all of us together and allows lies to be exposed better than any other medium do date.

The Woke Area is going to die alongside the financial collapse I imagine. 

So Keep Prepping Everyone!!



  1. Hrrrmpfff. Good vid, PP! 👍

    So… can Disney recover?

    For me… probably not. I’ve just checked out of woke spaces. I stopped buying books, I stooped going to movies, I cut the cable TV, I was unpersoned by my woke liberal family… why would I let those people back into my world?

    Disney not only has to get rid of the social justice mob, they have to start creating good content. How do they do that in a world where those creators can now cut them out and go direct to the marketplace? They’ve alienated their customer base, and forced them to seek entertainment elsewhere. Why would they come back?

    1. Filthie - I am not sure if Disney will do what will be needed to survive. The creep just went too deep for them to purge it enough, they let some evil activist types in too far I think.

      I don;t think they have enough patience to fix it at this point.

  2. I have to say I enjoyed reading your last two posts about sci fi and the crap evil that has permeated. I too, like Filthie refuse to buy new books and movies and theaters? Fuggit about it! I read all the "classic" sci fi and some fantasy(not overly fond of it as a whole) and enjoyed them, a book in my face? I am surprised one didn't fuse into my nose... I have been rereading those "classics" and finding out with my aged wisdom and experience have new meaning and new messages in them. I don't even read sci fi anymore, so corrupted I can't even stand. I have gotten into reading mysteries and enjoy them and like Filthie, I research the author and prefer material from male authors, women should not write for men, no contexts. I remember a quote from a movie I forgot but with Jack Nicholson: I write for men and remove all reason and logic, to write for women, or some such, not verbatim but close enough I hope to put a point across rather crudely I think.

    1. Cegerq - Somehow my original reply has been removed. I woner what I said?

    2. I was wondering if I had overstayed my welcome or my manners? It's okay, I had made some kind of point, still trying to figure out what it is...

  3. Justin - NO kidding it is going to take time known of them have the fortitude to put into it at this point.


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