Monday, June 8, 2015

Standby Mode

Mrs. PP is in the hospital. The doctors don't think it is very serious but they are running some tests so not sure when I will be back to posting regularly. It could be this afternoon or could be never at this point. I came home to take a shower and change clothes.

Luckily the fence project is finished enough that feeding isn't such a chore so things can be done without my being here constantly now.

More rain last night but the plants seem to have doubled in size in just one day now that the sun is shining and the heat has picked up a bit.

I will update everyone as I can.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!!!


  1. Sending good thoughts for Mrs PP.. Hope everything will be fine.

  2. Prayers on the way. Keep us posted.

  3. Holy sheepshit PP I will think good things bro.
    Hopefully the docs are right.

  4. What Rev. Paul said. We care.

  5. Standing by, keeping you guys my thoughts.

  6. please pass on our best healing wishes to Mrs. PP! and update us when you can. sending much love buddy!

    your friends,
    kymber and jam

  7. Tell Mrs. PP that we're praying for her.

  8. Remembering you both in my prayers.

  9. Hope Mrs. PP is ok, sendin a prayer nonetheless.

  10. Take care of Mrs. PP, don't worry about us. We will be patiently waiting for your return with good news.

  11. You two have been included in our prayers. Get some rest when you can, and I'm hoping it's nothing serious.

  12. Best of luck to Mrs PP. Here's hoping she gets well quickly.

  13. Prayers Up Preppy. Let us know if there is anything specific we need to pray for.

  14. Prayers coming your way. Hope she's home soon and adding to your "honey do" list!

  15. PP,

    We are keeping your sweet wife close to our hearts, and sending prayers for a quick recovery. This way when she gets home she can supervise and kick some PP butt!!!!
    Sending hugs to your Sweet Wife and you.


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