Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Kick Back Relax and Enjoy the Decline

I've kinda been taking a different approach to things the last few months. Some have noticed, some haven't been impressed, some kinda like it.  Whatever...

The 2012 election showed me that America as we knew it was dead. I doubt very much if it is even possible for Conservatives to ever win another National Election (unless the Femocrats really screw up) and even if they do win in numbers the voter fraud Femocrats will see it never counts out that way.

This conclusion didn't in and of itself lead to any sort of stress reduction or lessen the severity of the situation I saw in the Left's attack on rural America. In fact at the time it had the opposite effect. However the situation has shifted dramatically over the last few months.

Bottom line, in my opinion anyway, the Obama Leftist Regime has much bigger things to worry about than Rural America these days. In exactly the same way I had hoped it would happen they have bitten off more than they can chew and over extended themselves. They now have enemies clamoring at the edges all over the world and a new wave of Hispanic looters washing across our Southern Border. Unless this regime can pull a miracle out of it's A$$ I think the end times are finally here. 

Unless I miss my guess and what I am seeing is nothing more than a huge number of coincidences coming together, the other world powers have been up to exactly what I predicted years ago. They let the weak, hateful regime have it's head for as long as possible doing their own job for them and now it's time to begin raking in the benefits.

Never interrupt your opponent when he is making a mistake.

None of this means we as preppers, patriots, whatever we call ourselves are not in for some very hard times coming in the future. I am saying nothing of the sort. I am only saying I believe we are entering a more direct phase of things, or will be soon, and now is the time to pause and remember just what we have been and will be fighting, saving, prepping, and training for.

It's time for one last pause to stop and enjoy the flowers my friends. The next phase will be both harder and yet more simple I think, at least more up front and direct, which for me means easier psychologically if nothing else.

As I said unless I miss my guess the International hits should start coming harder and faster now. The other global powers are going to want to bring this house of cards down before the next election cycle gets going so only the current Golfer in Chief has any real say in how our government reacts.

I think this might very well be our last Summer to prepare and make ready. I admit I have been wrong before but we will see.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. I don't disagree Preppy, but I am curious if you have any idea what sort of shape these events would take? It would have to be something not so severe enough to unite Americans into a common action stance.

    1. TB - Well it won't be a direct strike on US soil openly by either China or Russia of course. Outside of that I can't think of any scenario that would unite the US in it's current form and demographic. Hell Obama just traded five war criminals for a traitor and half the country is fine with it. No way we are ever gonna be anything but divided again.

  2. Things are changing. Like the mass dumping of children in TX and their transfer to AZ. What would happen if there was a mass influx of illegals at the same time.?? I'm not talking about a handful, but thousands who rush the border at the same time. From Ca, to AZ, NM, and finally TX. At the same time a mad rush from the north. I'm not talking Canadians, but other country's.

    You know the Bear and the Dragon have been plotting against the U.S. for years. Tic, tic, tic,......

  3. I believe the international troubles will come from Russia and China making energy deals with each other and other countries using a currency that is not the USD. It's starting already, but I'm looking for it to accelerate.

  4. I must admit I am feeling the same way.I'm feeling a major disruption in the force.Could be I need a new tinfoil hat but I think my present one is on the right frequency.Time will tell.

  5. With Russia and China teaming up, it's only a matter of time before the US gets more than a black eye.

  6. I suspect the tipping point may come internally in the winter when the climate change fanatics will have driven the cost of electricity to where people will feel the cold. If the government does anything, it will be too little too late and the masses will demand the power be given out free as some kind of right. Add that to the rest of the stuff around the world and it will be more than our genius in chief can handle, and play golf at the same time. I am installing two non electric wood stoves as my priority this summer.

  7. I look for economic collapse around the world to start things off.

  8. I agree with you totally. I had to get up and leave the family room, I couldn't take listen to the news anymore. First the illegals then the taking over of Mosel, Tikrit and Fallujah by the Al Qaeda. I bet if I checked my face book 99.9 percent are posting jokes, lost dogs or some diatribe about them partying and haven't a clue what is going on in the world. :(

  9. The fall of Mosul is alarming - especially since it seems no-one saw it coming. Not promising - I look for the same thing to happen Afghanistan as soon as we reduce forces there as well.

    1. I feel so sorry for the families of the fallen and injured..for all they have given and are still giving. I'm angry that the POTUS of this country has such little shame but then again you have to have a conscience to have shame.


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