Friday, December 20, 2013

The Lies they Tell

Busy Busy day today. After getting up at the crack of dawn to combine my final gift buying trip with a small grocery run to my least favorite store on earth and then had to rush back home and get everything ready for the latest predicted storm heading our way.

Yes once again it was making sure the gas cans were full, splitting another load of wood and covering everything with tarps lashed down to protect it from the storm. Another over full truck bed of split stuff is now ready to add weight if "we" (guess who really)  just has to get out for some reason or will be burned once the precipitation moves past us. I have about 3/4 of a cord still in my burn rack also covered with a tarp to use until the front moves on by.

At this point I am looking for some freezing temps to allow me to get out and bring some more wood in because it is pretty obvious I am not going to get any more dry days. The lingering snow despite the warmer temps left the fields too wet for me to get out there and pull the three remaining locust trunks up to where I could cut and load them. I was forced to split out of my reserve once again. I still have quite a bit left, enough I figure to make it through the end of January at least but I would prefer to be up to February by now.

On my drive back home this morning I heard the cause for celebration news that the 3rd quarter GDP was revised upwards again to a ridiculous 4.1%

I about choked when I heard that so getting home I had to find out what they had the balls to lie about this time around.


So almost two thirds of their upward revision came at consumer expense?  Ain't that just lovely. Behind that as you can see from the chart up top was energy costs then recreation?

Now how can they even put something like that out there with a  straight face and still claim inflation is so low?

You simply cannot believe any of these government numbers any more. I'm still shaking my head.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. People are stupid and will believe any thing they are told, look who got elected president twice.

    1. SF - I still don't think he actually did get elected legally the second time.

      But your point is valid.

  2. SBF is right. I talked to a women who works at the Walmart we shop at. She said that a Super Center needs 600 employees. They have 300. When we lived in Florida the Target I worked at also got by with min. staff. Why?? Because we did our job too well. All the managers got big bonuses for the blood and sweat of the employees. All most every company is trying to get by with min staffing. I was part of a group of employees asked once, "should we hire more folks, or do you want to work unlimited O.T." What do you think we did??

    1. Rob - YA it's shame. I hate overtime. But they are pushing the employees to the max these days.

  3. PP,

    You're so right, don't believe any numbers provided by our government.

    The ice and snow is coming our way too, stay warm, and safe.

    1. Sandy - Yep icing up here as we speak. Almost impossible to move the tarps around they are so stiff and heavy.

  4. The healthcare profits are most likely accrual accounting vapor profits. Basically the health insurance companies recorded a sale at the time someone signed up for Obama care ... and an account receivable. If this was their traditional customer base a minimal allowance for doubtful accounts would be sufficient; however Obama care targets anything but responsible prudent people. Methinks accounting revisions will eat up the profits. Why anyone thinks people who toss their medical bills in the trash, as they walk out of the emergency room, will somehow pay thier health insurance bills, is beyond me. I wouldn't even know where to begin to estimate the allowance on this cluster...


    1. Dan - As usual you are correct. All shadow accounting and promised payouts.

      Enron was before it's time :)

  5. Passing through and caught your words on cutting wood, and it dredged up some memories. Had a nice farm in Vermont, and always enjoyed taking my sons out in the woods in January to cut standing deadwood. When it's cold enough, it's almost as dry as summertime to be out working. But yeah, it's always comforting to be cutting next years wood instead of worrying about how long the woodpile will last this year.


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