Sunday, October 6, 2013

Please Stand By

Sorry Folks I had to postpone Sunday Reading today due to the fact that I spent almost the entire day at the emergency room with my Father.

Nothing life threatening but they did pump him full of morphine and Vicodin.

Last weekend I removed a floor board from his little trailer he uses to haul things around in. The board had rotted out in a place or two so he wanted me to remove it so he could put a new one in. He also asked me to push said trailer up under his back deck to keep it more out of the weather, which I also did.

The story I got was he decided to put the new board in Wednesday and he says he hurt himself while doing that but I believe he hurt himself pulling the trailer back out from where he had me roll it because there is no new board in it yet but the trailer is pulled out. I say little trailer but it really is about 6x8' with metal and 2x6" floor boards and a pretty good sized tongue and jack. It isn't a lightweight to be sure.

Truth is I may never really know what happened except for the third time in his life he was in the hospital emergency room. For him to go there willingly is unheard of.

Early this morning I called to see if he wanted to go cut wood and he told me his back and arm were hurting too much to get out. I asked if he needed anything or wanted me to go get him something and he said no he just needed some rest, so I made other plans. He also told me he had hurt his arm at work and didn't mention the trailer thing until later. About two hours after our first conversation he called from the hospital so there we went.

Took the rest of the morning and afternoon before they let him go and then we had to swing over for his new prescription and to pick him up some dinner. He is fine as long as he keeps his arm resting on something but quickly gets overcome by the pain when standing up with his arm hanging unsupported. I still have no clue why they didn't give him a sling though except I believe he told them he didn't want one because he is planning on working tomorrow and going off his meds already tonight.

He asked them several times how long before the Vicodin would wear off enough to let him drive safely so I know what he has in mind.

Stubborn old coot.

By the time the Mrs. and I got him back home he waited all of about 15 minutes before telling us to go home lol. I told him I would be by in the morning to check on him or call me if the pain got too bad and he told me not to bother.

Ya I know why he doesn't want me to bother.

We will see if he is there when I go in tomorrow. Anyone wanna lay a bet on it?

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. Sorry. My father is as stubborn as yours. It sounds like a very serious injury...I hope he recovers very soon.

    1. Stephen - Well the doctor didn't seem to be too concerned and he came across well intentioned. He even pulled me aside on his own and assured me it wasn't some side effect of a stroke or something.

      The truth is he can probably heal ok doing his job just as well as he could at home. His little part time job is not demanding physically which is why I wasn't buying his first story.

  2. Ugh, sure hate to hear that. It sounds like the big issue will be when he starts to feel better he will be prone to over doing it.

    1. Matt - I can understand his frustration although when he made the decision to sell off all his land and possessions almost a decade ago it surprised me. He cut everything down to the bare minimum and more than likely saved him from over doing it the last few years.

      What really concerns me is the mixed stories. If he is doing it to try and hide things fine but I am noticing certain other forgetful things he has started doing within the last year. As far as I know he is the first Male member of our family to make it into his 70's with a clear mind. Most of them have succumbed to Alzheimers by the late 60's.

  3. P.P. Sorry about your Dad. Sometimes the older we get the more stubborn we get. I know I have. I will say a prayer for him tonight.

    1. Rob - I agree. Hell I know I am :)

      I wonder too if maybe we lose some of our pain thresh hold. I mean I know it takes longer to recover, I experience that, but I wonder if pains seem worse as we get older as well.

    2. I know I have more pain now then I did from injuries in 2003 and 2007. I pride myself in not taking any pain meds. I don't want to get hooked. I decided that back in 2003 after I crushed my right foot. I have pain from my foot up through my knee. Some days I limp so bad my family thinks I should go in to the E.R.
      I don't want to end up like he who shall remain nameless. LOL I know I will end up with a cane before winter is over. This 40 degrees weather is hurting now. Oh well.

  4. He probably just wanted to try out that new obummer care.

    1. SF - Actually Missouri doesn't seem to be getting as many canceled policies and forced on Obamacare incidents that I have seen elsewhere. Not sure why but Dad said his insurance is already paid for all of next year as well.

  5. PP,

    Oh dear, I see your dad is as stubborn as mine. I hope he just relaxes and allows his body to heal. Sending prayers for your dad, you, and the family.

  6. How is your dad this morning? He is the way my Father in Law was.. you can't keep them down.
    I truly hope he is better.

  7. Sorry to hear about your father. Are all fathers stubborn?


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