Thursday, August 22, 2013

Now I Know I am Old

I know now I am old and over the hill and more than likely too focused on preparedness and sustainability when while doing my morning blogroll reading I come across the picture below over at Feral Irishman's site.....

And my first thought is.

I wonder what the maintenance costs are on those?

My second thought was. OMG who would do the maintenance in a collapse situation?

My third thought was.

I should kill myself for even having those thoughts first.

But it does present some interesting questions for those who would have to deal with the problems in a long term collapse situation. I never really thought about it before.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!



  1. On a day when I really needed a good laugh, and to smile, there you are to give me one. Thanks!

  2. define "collapse" in this context please....

  3. As a mammography tech, that just looks like alot of work!

    1. Could/do they do mammograms on implants that large? I think it would be difficult.

    2. I perform mammograms on over 1000 pts a year. And yes you can a mammogram on any sized implant. A typical screening exam has 4 views.Implants take atleast 8 views if all goes well.

  4. Which reminds me, I thought things were going to turn out this year, finally, nice vines and then the melon patch just seemed to collapse and the melons disintegrated. I guess it was all of the wet weather and a disease took hold. I love melons.

  5. PP,


    Those look like the picture I place on my blog regarding the Juan Canary Melons, lol

    By the way, I've pulled seeds from the melons and there dry. I have all kinds of seeds, since you asked me about these melons. I would love to send you and your sweet wife some seeds. If you would like some, e-mail your address to:

    1. Sandy - I will get right on that...

      Thank you!!!

  6. In the collapse situation she be what we refer to as 'bait.' I don't like 'em....I'm an 'A' kinda guy.

    1. Stephen - Well I wouldn't limit myself to a cup size. The frame determines what goes well I guess.

  7. Who was it said "a pretty girl is like a song." I don't remember but it's true. I figure you can look but not touch. After all, I'm old but I'm not dead.

    1. HF - Ya but as I was referring to a few years ago I wouldn't have given a thought to the side effects. At least not right away but now days I look at practicality first so something about me has changed.

  8. That doesn't even look nice..who would want breasts that big on purpose? They would just get in the way...strange people.

    1. Amy - They would get in the way unless she was using them to open doors. Literally and figuratively.

  9. Playing with those would just be too much work!

    1. SD - I bet they don't have alot of play int hem either :)

  10. Lorraine - They are too large for her frame I will admit. But...

    THIS ISN'T ABOUT HER!!! This is about me :)

    I am OLD because my first thought was about the practicality of them. A milestone has been reached in my life and it's scary...

  11. I guess since apparently this has been an "inflationary" event, I guess all we have to look forwards to is a "deflationary" event.....


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