Tuesday, March 3, 2015

We Got it all..... Except Dust

Between the melting during the day and refreezing at night topped off with a little bit of freezing rain and supposedly some more on the way this afternoon I have pretty much been housebound. I did manage to go out and take a quick inventory of the bee keeping supplies I need to order here pretty soon and even started working on a new section of my fiction believe it or not. It wasn't the same since I lost my constant writing companion Piglet though. Her offspring came over and tried to make up the empty space but he is about twice her size and interferes with the keyboard and doesn't answer me as fast when I need some help.

It's amazing how much that cat actually put me into a writing mood and I still find myself wondering where she is at while I am sitting here from time to time.

Anyway the ground conditions are keeping me from working on any of my outside projects still. As you can see from the picture we have snow on top, mud on the bottom with a layer of ice and water wedged in between them. The ground is still frozen under about an inch of mud and even pushing the wheelbarrow around just makes a mess. We also have another little cold snap coming in tonight and tomorrow although it's not suppose to be anything near as bad as we have been getting recently I still need to restock the wood supply.

I went down to check the mud conditions on the East side of the barn and one of the ewes noticed me and came up hoping for some food. I often carry apple treats in my coat pocket to sneak a snack to whomever comes running so they are always hoping I got something for them. This particular time though I wasn't wearing my coat since the temps have climbed up into the 40's and my sweatshirt is enough. She was a bit disappointed but as you can see she already had a snack she was carrying in her mouth anyway. Still can't blame a girl for trying I guess. I am not even sure who this particular ewe is to be honest. She must be at least 4 years old because that was the last batch I didn't tag and she is a second generation lamb since she had been in the mating group with Frazier. Maybe I will just start calling her Betty and see if it sticks.

Oh well lunch time is over going to go split ANOTHER load of wood. Oh joy!!!

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. PP,

    Were expecting the same weather my friend. The national weather indicates after this stuff runs through us to expect it to get warmer, with sun. Oh Joy!!!!

    Stay warm, and dry.......don't do much playing in the mud.

    1. Sandy - We got snow this morning again. Not a lot but enough to cover the ground once again. They are also saying now almost 60 by Saturday though!!!

  2. We have rain today Preppy, and colder weather tomorrow. Fortunately we are spared your spectacular "General Mud".

    1. TB - Oh the mud up here can get truly spectacular some years. This is pretty mild so far. I have seen some March mud pits that would make a recovery vehicle driver cry.

  3. Supposed to be 60 tomorrow then cold and snow the next day, mud everywhere. Haven't seen any bees in a long time but should start seeing some in a week or so on sunny days. Kind of a dead time of year just before spring, even the kale seems to be hugging the ground just waiting.

    1. Sf - Bee keepers call this time "Harsh March" most hives are lost about this time of year as the girls run out of food with nothing to forage yet.

  4. We have had rain, rain and more rain...and when that is not enough...it rains again. I do think Spring is around the corner..warming up here in to the 60s and even one 70 day ..

    I like the name Betty...go with it.

  5. Well, FL can't seem to decide if it wants to be cold or hot. We'll be at record temps today, and it was just last week we were in the 40's overnight. So at this point the closet is full, sweaters and tank tops. Love the picture of Betty!

    1. Izzy - I can't wait for shorts weather. Putting clothes on in Winter is almost a chore in and of itself sometimes.


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