Saturday, October 4, 2014

Well Hello Winter

Ya I know seems like an odd picture to go with the title but this has been an odd couple of days. For the most part everything is still green. The leaves are on the trees with only a few early turners changing color or the occasional Maple type with bare branches.

Many of the flowers are still blooming like the Marigold above, we even have a few Dandelions and White Clover still around along with the Asters. There are still huge numbers of grasshoppers all over the place eating everything they can find and the ants are still marching around.

But it's colder than a Witches Mammary Gland outside and the wind is blowing upto 40 miles an hour at times. I have almost went and fired up the wood furnace a few times but then restrained myself.

Everything is still wet. The ground is so saturated it won't even support the little electric fence posts. Even that light wire I used is too heavy for the posts and they constantly fall over in the wind because the mud doesn't give em enough support. Which is really funny considering not but a few days ago I couldn't even stick some of them into the ground even an inch it was so hard and dry. I finally gave up and just let the cutting crew go into the hayfield because I couldn't keep them contained. Doesn't matter anymore this late anyway and they can't get out through the wire fence around the field regardless. Actually I am not sure they are brave enough to wander that far out tot he actual field edge anyway, they seem to want to limit themselves to about a 100 yard or so radius from the barn.

Truth is they look rather pastoral out there which is another reason I just left em to browse as they wished. Just to test it though I walked down to the barn and yelled for em and sure enough they all came running hoping for a little grain. As soon as they got up close Frazier, our mixed breed/Mule  Ram, started doing his lip curl Lovey Face so apparently the cooler temps have brought a few of the ewes into season. It might make the Rams a little excited but the Ewes could care less as long as there is still green grass to eat.

I guess a girl has to have her priorities.

The last few days seems to be a heavy hint that Winter is almost here. I better kick it into gear and get all the garden stuff taken down (I know I been working on it half ass for weeks now)  and all the Summer stuff put away. It's amazing how much stuff like plant pots, hoses, boxes and such get left out during the warmer months.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. I just posted snow pix on my site; yours is coming. :)

    1. RP - Hopefully it will wait until at least December ...

  2. Cool here today so I was out sawing wood this afternoon. It was too windy to be in the woods this morning but finally calmed down. I have wood ready to fire up the stove but it is still hot in the house so I better leave it alone.

    1. Sf - Our drafty old house got cool enough I could ahve started a fire but the space heaters kept up after the wind died down.

  3. Old Man Winter is breathing hard as he is near.......

    1. Rob - Quick stab him with something while he is close :)

  4. PP,

    Have you gathered all of the wood you need for this winter?
    It's to darn early for winter to knock on our doors.......we barely had a summer, let alone autumn.
    Send some of your rain down this way.....please!!!

    1. Sandy - No where near all the wood if I run the furnace all the time. If I was only going to dot he smaller stove ya I am prolly good.

      I wish the rain had went somewhere besides my basement.


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