Tuesday, September 16, 2014

People Are Fed Up

Interesting after a day of driving around shuttling cars and listening to my co-worker explain to me how the entire world is about to fall apart I get home and come across this article over at Zero-Hedge.

This Seems to be Going Well

No doubt about it people are beginning to get totally fed up and more to the point they are starting to get worried about the future.

The co-worker in question is certainly one of the more level headed guys I work with too. He retired from the prison system where he worked as a guard for decades not only for the Male facilities but also at a couple of the Female ones too. Let me tell you he knows how Women can be just as bad, and in many cases worse than the Men and he has a pretty good understanding of base human violence and Bull shit too.

As a matter of fact he told me something the other day that was very profound. He said that he discovered early on most prisoners are complete tough guys until you open the cage door.

He certainly sees the problems. I would say his predictions were pretty spot on as well but he just cannot grasp the real cause. He looks at society as a whole and then judges it according to his own upbringing and culture and just cannot comprehend how that culture has been mixed and watered down to where it matters not one bit as far as the whole goes these days.

He mentioned how his 10 year old grandson has been forced on drugs by the school but when I pointed out how the school systems were totally dominated by Feminist he seemed surprised. I am not sure he believed me until I asked him to try one simple test.

Go and ask the school if you can sit in on a class or two and see if they let you. They won't and he knew they wouldn't and he also knew when he went to school they would have been delighted to. You cannot judge a changing system by decades old experience.

The alternative is home schooling and he claimed that was not going to be good enough. My reply was that these days a White Boy could be taken completely out of school and simply allowed to play video games their entire lives and still come out better psychologically and more than likely academically than undergoing 12 years of indoctrination.

Oh ya the chart above speaks volumes. People are fed up, worried, scared but as usual due to political misdirection and propaganda they have no clue where all these problems really stem from. Most cannot look deeper than their own needs or motivations to truly understand those of others and this causes mass confusion and even greater anger.

For most it's like looking at something so horrible you cannot conceive of the evil behind it having any kind of logic at all. It is just so alien.

In the end that kind of anger and confusion is going to make things all that much worse before it straightens itself out. Only common ground and the satisfaction of knowing most all of our enemies are totally dependent on the taxes we pay and the debt the government generates to survive, will bring people together. No matter how strong the enemy appears to be they cannot operate without our support. From ISIS to Feminist, Open border Activists, Climate change loons or Socialist Democrats they all require our money to operate and without it they entire thing comes crashing down.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!



  1. I am afraid that my state will re-elect it's worthless senator who voted with Obama 98% of the time. So many people I encounter are getting money from the government or are just brainwashed liberal beyond hope. The place where I work tells us how we need to think about things and of course it is far left ideas. I hope if falls hard on them when it does crash down.

    1. He will be reelected by the same stupid idiots who stayed home and let the current governor get elected during the last election. Oh yeah, they got some help this time by the RINO'S who put up the sorry candidate we have.

    2. You are right, the RINO's don't allow primary elections anymore as they know that their candidate won't get elected and then they lose the main election or do they? I suspect they are almost as happy when a liberal wins.

    3. I suspect the same thing anymore with these jokers.

    4. The nation could go a long way in fixing things if we broke the two party hold on elections that's for sure.

  2. Janet Yellen head of the Fed, says you poor people just need to buy more assets and not be poor but try to become rich. I can't see how that is possible via ZIRP for building real "Capitol". All commodities needed to live are inflating and the average pay check is not only losing value but shrinking as far as buying power because the Fed inflates the dollar because deflation is bad Over 90 million citizens are out of the work force and no longer get a paycheck. The PTBs encourage debt and not savings of any sort so how does Joe six pack get assets or leverage anything when his 401K was wiped out and his home is underwater?

    1. They don't need successful people, just victims who are dependent on the government and keep voting their masters into office.

    2. Yellen is also pushing heavily for everyone to get back into stocks and the market. They need the market to not only be up but to have a much higher volume to continue their charade.

  3. Florida is about to elect "Changing Charlie Crist" who was once a Repub. then Independent, now he is a Democrat. He goes to the party that he thinks can net him the most politcal success.he was a strong supporter of Obamacare, and when his new boss " Morgan and Morgan" a large trial attorny jumped on the Medical Marijuana bandwagon, CC saw his chance for votes, and has come out in strong support, plus support of gay marriage. Florida went twice for BO, I have no doubts they won't go for CC. He has said and done all the right things to get that young voting base...and like a large percentage of politicians really does not give a rats ass about his constituants.

    I have problems with that, and glad I got out of that State.

    So when people complain to me about the economy etc...i ask how did you vote?

    1. JuGM - It's amazing how many of them complain about buyers remorse or just lie about it too isn't it?

  4. One time a commuter friend and I had a discussion about the economy. His point was always that that the economy is local - if I am doing well, then the economy seems to be doing well; if I am doing poorly, the economy is not doing so well. My point to him was that such a view was too short-sighted as it did not look at underlying causes but only an individual's comfort level. Right now I think the economy is doing poorly for lots of people - but I also think the underlying problems are very significant. Anyone need only look at the employment levels versus the stock market to see a significant disconnect.

    1. TB - There is a lot of wisdom in what you point out. Most people do in fact judge the entire economy from just their local part. Even I who try and judge it by my observations in five States have no real idea what is going on outside of about 300 miles in any direction. I think from what I read from other areas that those locations that have a pipeline of some sort to the government largess are doing well. That jives with what I see around here but...

      And yes if my theory stands there is a huge disconnect.

  5. In the chart it looks like W. did most of the damage, although the start if dot com bust can be seen in the last Clinton year. We got so close to the bottom by 2009 that there wasn't much more room to go, so from that point you have a series of dead cat bounces. What is strange is the drop in numbers during the supposedly good times of the housing bubble. I guess people weren't, and still aren't fooled by the jobless recoveries.


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