Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Finally More Wax

While these cool temps have been great for keeping the old farm house reasonable and it's been even better for getting a good nights sleep it has been less than satisfactory for rendering my left over cappings and burr comb into wax. It just hasn't been hot enough to give it a good melt inside my solar wax melter.

I am now up to my ears in honey comb cappings I have removed when harvesting the honey. I usually put the squeezed cappings out on a board and let the girls rob what honey remains on them then melt em down in the melter. These days though I just been putting in plastic containers and storing them in the freezer.

The freezer is full of plastic containers now.

Luckily it got hot enough today with enough sun to begin the melting process once again. By the forecast it looks like I am going to have a few days worth of melting temperatures and sun too so I hope to get my backed up inventory taken care of.

I have mentioned before that this stuff is worth it's weight in gold in my opinion. Bees wax was used for so many things before synthetic wax was so cheaply mass produced that a person could more than likely do a post a day for ten years and not cover all it's uses.

I have personally used my saved wax for reloading and bullet lube and I have such a supply now I am researching how to begin making some lip balm. Eventually I hope to be able to produce a local oil as an ingredient instead of using almond oil but one step at a time.

Since the temps and sun started cooperating again today I got a small amount melted out this afternoon and hope to keep the solar melter going all day tomorrow and up until at least Friday. I also use this wax to paint my new frames before I put them into a hive to encourage the bees to begin using the plastic. In a  grid down situation I would also use wax to weather proof my new boxes and supers when paint runs low.

As I said there are so many uses one person couldn't cover them all.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. Could you use it to wax your car or is it too soft.

    1. Rob - I really haven't a clue. I guess it might work just never thought of that.

  2. Your tractor girls might need some of that wax?

    1. Hot wax and cute girls do not mix. I found that out over in Germany when I was int he army :)

  3. PP,

    Have you considered making bee's wax candles?
    Nice to have a stash of wax for use on anything.

    1. Sandy - I do make some candles with it sometimes. I currently have enough around that I haven't made any new ones this year yet.

  4. PP - i love these posts and yes make lipbalm - i'd by it! i make comfrey salve and heal-all (self-heal) salve using coconut oil and BEESWAX! that i buy! i can only imagine being able to have my own beeswax!!! the coconut oil is something that we store BIG TIME because we will never have a way to produce our own. but having our own wonderful beeswax is my dream for the next year! congrats buddy - yer really doing it!

    your friend,

    1. Kymber - I need to find a supply for some little tins to put the balm in. I want to do the type you spread on with your finger rather than the tubes to get that old timey feeling.


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