Thursday, August 14, 2014

Another Jaunt Around Missouri

I hafta say I love Ecological diversity even if it does contain that evil Die-Versity word in it. Probably because Ecological Diversity is a natural occurring, well balanced tribute to the wonder of the Lord almighty while Cultural Die-Versity  is simply Liberal Progressives playing god.

I didn't get my honey extracted today because I got called into work to take a little jaunt down into the Ozark Highland region of Missouri. I never turn down a chance to travel through that area.

While most of the real big agriculture might be in the other parts of the state I think Missouri really gets most of it's character from the Ozark Highland region. The rugged hills and small mountains with those lovely fast flowing streams and caves everywhere make up most of the tourist side of the Missouri economy and is what most out of state people are familiar with. The North half of the state is clean and orderly while the Southern half often makes one think Mirkwood has fallen from Middle Earth and landed in Missouri.

No giant spiders though. OK well I have heard several out of state people claim otherwise and some say the ticks will suck ya dry in five minutes flat too :)

Even with the rough terrain the old settlers and pioneers of Missouri managed to cut out a fair number of hay fields, pastures and crop land here and there. It's my opinion there is no finer place on earth one could choose for post collapse sustainable living than the Ozark Highlands region of Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma or Kentucky.

Well maybe not Kentucky.

While buzzing the small two lane highways one passes many small farms with all types of interesting and curious critters. Occasionally those highways will climb a steep hill or small mountain and give you a view that will take your breath away.

If the stuff ever hits the fan and you lived around here and wanted to be isolated for a while just walk a few miles down the road and start dropping Oak trees the size of a Colossus leg. Won't be much coming over or around that for a while I would bet.

Anyone familiar with this region would understand they might have to do without a few things but I bet they know they would be safe from most unwanted encroachment that's for sure.

Who knows didn't old Jed strike oil down there somewhere as well? Maybe they won't have to do without.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. I've got to agree with you. I just got back from a road trip to central Missouri (Camden County) from Virginia. I really enjoyed the beauty of the rolling hills.

    1. Tim - Camden county is nice and rugged that's for sure. It's even better these days since they put a lid on all the out of control local cops. Those boys down there had some mighty speed trap scams going for years.

  2. I grew up in South Central Mo and now live about 40 miles from where I was born after knocking around Texas and the Northeast for a couple of decades. Loved Texas but I'm a natural hillbilly.

    1. Mushroom - Like the name BTW. I actually was born and grew up mostly South of the river in the Northern part of the Ozark Highland range but when I came back from the Army ended up a bit North on the edge where the Northern Plains start. Best of both worlds in my opinion.

      Once you experience these Missouri hills no where else really seems like home to me anyway.

  3. Could that part of the country from a new country with Texas and some of the SE? Don't count on any part of VA except the SW as the state is overrun with liberals now, truly disgusting.

    1. Sf - I am sure any sane country would bend over backwards for the Ozark Highlands. It's about the only good lead producing area in the N. America these days I think. Not that it produces any lead now as they closed down all the mines but in the much larger world peak oil will create we will need those mines closer.

  4. PP,

    Never been to that part of the U.S. It sounds like a true place to disappear, and have no worries :-)

    1. Sandy - You certainly could. It can be a bit clannish away from the tourist areas but friendly once you prove your not a Federal agent :)

  5. My guess is that reliable rainfall would be the big "if". But I think that goes for a lot of areas.


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