Saturday, July 12, 2014

Ever So Slowly from the Edges

Civilizations rot from within but they fall apart from the edges and mother nature does a lot of the work.

This latest wind storm we had around here sure did it's part to reduce another eye sore of modern civilization. It took out a number of billboards along the highway. To tell you the truth I didn't notice any billboard damage right away because the number of billboards still standing in the direction I usually travel were blown over and never replaced years ago. However to the North of me the billboard numbers have remained pretty constant. That is until this week anyway.

My guess would be that just like their neighbors these billboards will lay in a pile for months until one day someone will clean up the mess and nothing will replace them. I don't think I have seen a new billboard go up in at least a  decade around here.

These once mighty signs that carried the promise of concrete and expansion way out into the rural areas will continue to fall apart and finally succumb to mother nature one by one. Perhaps the few remaining survivor billboards will show faded pictures of exotic locations or flying machines to tickle the imagination of our unborn grandchildren who never quite believe our stories of a time when men walked on the moon.

Of course man made signs will never disappear but these behemoths of modern day advertising will shrink in numbers as energy prices climb and miles traveled declines. As with many aspects of our modern life the payout will simply not keep up with the initial input of resources.

Whenever possible mother nature will be there to help it a long as usual.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. I never noticed how many billboards there were in Missouri (lived there 45 years) until we moved to Alaska, where there are none.

    "None" is better. Entropy finds buildings, here.

    1. RP - These days you don't see as many. Most of the smaller highways they have fell down and not been replaced but near the cities and the interstates they are still everywhere.

  2. With the help of a chainsaw they can be dropped & recycled into something much more attractive than a bill board. Probably not enough traffic to justify the powers that be replacing them with steel posts, if you are lucky.

    1. MV - I have seen a number of them that are impossible to get too having been there so long the trees grew over the original access points.

  3. I commented earlier but got some strange error from blogger so here goes again. When they uncovered Pompeii they found billboards of sorts painted on the side of buildings. Those things have been around for thousands of years. They used to pay the landowner to use the land and I knew a guy who was still getting checks even though the signs had fallen and been recycled into pig pens and what not.

    1. Sf - Years ago we got a small monthly check from a local hotel for one that was on our property that bordered the highway into town. As I remember it my dad got a check from them even after the hotel switched owners and franchise for a bit.

  4. There are a lot of things about our current "civilization" that I won't miss if and when it goes under. Billboards are there on the list, although they are way below "federal government."

  5. Ready made fire wood?? Just cut and haul.

    1. Too many preservatives in it that might not be healthy.

    2. YA things like that tend to have nails and such in places you wouldn't expect them. I did burn up a telephone pole once though in my wood furnace. Wish I would have saved it for gate posts now.

  6. PP,

    The plastic from the bill board makes for a great liner to place on the ground before adding soil for your garden. It helps keep the weeds and grass out.

    1. Sandy - The plastic I saw on these boards was ripped to hell and gone :)

  7. When I went to the states about 10 years ago I was shocked by how much advertising there was everywhere. Much better on the ground!

  8. I have noticed around here you might see one advertising a special event that has passed 6 months or even a year ago. I guess they are having trouble selling space on the billboards in this "vibrant recovering economy" we are experiencing!

    1. SD - I see those too. Like the testicle festival from 2 years ago... ouch :)

  9. What a great point Preppy. I had not thought it before, but you are right. I have not seen a new one go up in a very long time.

    1. TB - Yep it's just not getting the exposure it once got em I bet.

  10. I like the occasional billboard. Maybe they will just be switched location to being along railroad tracks and canals?


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