Sunday, August 6, 2023

Sunday Reading - Where I See Us Today


So whats next for These United States? You hear and read of so many pundits going on about a new turning it is hard to ignore and in fact there maybe something to it but there are so many variables it is impossible to sort them out into what is truly important. 

As I was busy dealing with daily storm damage the last week or so I happened across a number of moments of clarity from various different pundits that rang a bell so clearly I kept rehearing them in my head even though I had little time to write any lately. I don't necessarily agree 100% with anyone but what was put forward rang so true I had to re-post it.

The first moment I heard was a comment from the Timcast about the government funding towards highly political and militantly focused groups and how no matter the message it just further divides the country as a whole. I cannot find that particular segment again but it was very telling how apparent this action has become. 

I have found that Tim Pool is usually dead on the older the subject he has an opinion on is mostly but tends to get drawn into current issues way too deeply that just muddies everything too much. One particular clip where he gave a good description of not only Yellow Trucking and the overall issue with employee to corporation and government attitudes but then went on to a discussion about equal risk and how the unions want to wash their hands and not take the good times with the bad sort of thing. I see where he is coming from but Mr. Pool completely ignored the largest problem that plays heavily in what is wrong over all with this entire country. 

No body with Power tells the whole truth and everyone has been caught doing it so far openly there is no truth that any two people can agree on.

Recently David Dubyne put out a video about the African coups and more importantly a newer list of BRIC nations, opinion on motives both long and short term and a little speculation on political maneuvers. Very informative.

I put this link in because I think it's important that every American know who and what the BRIC nations are (and Dubyn gave one of the best introductions I have read in one spot) because currently those countries are the most important unknowing allies survival oriented Americans have. They are not our friends but mostly right now a BRIC organization victory works out as more favorable to us. The RINO/Femocrat alliance has used there one advantage of an unlimited Money supply against us more than an has against the rest of the world simply because we are closer and easier to attack.

There will come a time when this circumstance is going to change and we need to keep that in mind and deal with everyone fairly and equally and vice versa. Right now the BRICS are mostly interested in causing pain to our mutual enemies but that can change fast.

Last to be mentioned, but not by far the least, was a piece by Jim Kunstler. Now there is a name I haven't paid much attention too in a minute which is why I put it here. 

I completely enjoyed " A World Made by Hand" at least until Kunstler got into the Southern American bashing and began the Northern communal ideological cheer leading.

I especially found it interesting that Kunstler made such a big deal about painting a picture of Southern resource waste and supposed Christian double standards while skipping lightly over Northern labor slavery and pagan forest nymphs or captive over weight witches and the Northern propensity for titles and political assassination but maybe he was just trying to make a point for what he considered his target audience. After the early 2000's Kunstler seemed to drop that anyway.

Why I mention his latest article was more to show how that the differences between individual ideology is now beginning to cross. Even I am moved away just blaming Feminist Democrats for everything and realize RINOs are as much a problem as they were. Kunstler even goes into a very non-mainstream Femocrat rant against the last election. I can't disagree with much I read and to see that from me from an article he wrote tells me there is more hope for an eye to eye understanding than anything.

One of the more important stages America has to go through right now is a coming together politically in significant numbers and I am thinking the lack of funding and over reach of taxes is going to unify Americans more as the RINO/Femocrat collation steals as much money as they can from everyone now... It will do this better than any other single thing.

Housing costs are now completely out of reach for everyone and the West is losing every opportunity they once had to export their problems. They cannot afford to give out hand outs like they once could so they cannot rely on their favorite game like they used too. A lot of their scams are now more than ever out in the open where they can't hide them as easily and going to get much worse as time goes by.

Be prepared for a "World Made by Hand"

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!



  1. Hi PP,
    A lot of free thinking individuals in Australia have been moving to the bush, getting far away from the cities, and striving to become self-reliant as much as possible.

    It is starting to leave a mark on our governments.

    In Western Australia, our "labor party" (leftist), has tried to bring in legislation affecting virtually everyone who owned property - have to get approval & permission from various aboriginal groups to even plant a tree. Once this came to light, they are back peddling furiously.

    To me, this says leftie is going to leftie, and try and destroy flight self-reliance rather than reliance on govt at all costs. Because they don't want anyone to think there is a way out of their city-based hellscape.

    1. Anon - They been going full tilt at Homesteader types here in the US since Obummer's reign and really the Clinton's but they had a long way to go. They are not only running out of low hanging fruit but money now that's why they are so worried and have kicked it up into over drive. They are simply not able to keep to the schedule they need to anymore without bleed over. With the unknowing help of the BRICS that should continue. Also the sheer population of the US should create a lot of regional resistance I am sure thereby neutralizing alot of Federal over reach I hope.


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