Thursday, January 11, 2024

Rescue Uperation


Can't really say too much really I put the chickens to bed Wednesday evening and the snow and I Ice glued it together to the point I could not get it opened Wednesdays and had to go and recruit extra tools to help. The Chickens were a bit stressed about it at first.

The snow melt exposed enough open grass that the sheep and goats are able to get some foraying done until I got some grass picked they are not happy with being left empty for three days. They will get over it. It is too early in the year around here yet for this. By Mid March things will be changing and the temps will be a bit nicer.

Largest issue as usual this time of year is continued wood cutting. It's a constant struggle especially since the wife keeps building the fires wile I ether stack and build em. She lets hers go out most of the time.

I reminded of this young girls that swear they are 10's and deserve a 10 young man that is 6 foot five and makes 500K a year!

Been looking forward to Spring let me tell you

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. Animals do not like a change of routine. Never mind that we can't control the weather (not us mere mortals, anyway), they want things the way they always are!

  2. The struggle for heat is real for me as well. I usually trade hay for oak and then scrounge dry wood ends from the local trailer factories. This year I didn't make the trade and the trailer factory has not been producing a lot of wood. I can't afford to turn on the electric heat so it might be a damp and chilly winter.


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