Saturday, July 8, 2023

Catching Up Part 2


Right around the first part of July China announced an end to the exporting of certain rare earth elements generally used in chip production and some used largely in the Western Defense industry production of radar and optics. 

Of course the sock puppet BIteMe cheerleading bloggers, like that guy from Colorado, were quick to announce the two named elements namely: Gallium and Germanium  are not really rare earth materials. correctly,  as one comes from zinc production and the other is from aluminum of some type and neither are  particularly expensive. That is as long as you are not attempting to produce it on your own anyway which the Neopolitcal sock puppet forgets to mention for BiteMe's sake.

So this in turn triggered a war powers act to force some type of government action by our US companies to guarantee production of said elements for delivery to our Western suppliers yadda yadda.

I saw this right after a piece talking about how Germany lost too many Leopards to replace...Coincidence?

My interest in the writing had really nothing to do with armaments as it does economics. I have been saying since day 1 of the Ukraine conflict Russia has no interest in taking any more of Ukraine than they already have, and no interest in ruling over the Feminist  Democrat parts in Western Ukraine anyway, Too Much headache. China is only attempting to make the US spend every dime they can manage and Iran just wants to be a pain in the Ass every chance they get.

In response Iran tried to take two more oil tankers this week that had to be defended by the US navy.

The US is being slowly drained by a BRIC alliance with many axes to grind. The very arrogance and ignorance of the Western Woke. Feminist pseudo leaders that have infiltrated every level of government cannot even bring themselves to contemplate they are not only breaking old agreements and throwing away peaceful cooperation but also being outplayed at every step. 

Just another economic loss we the people will have to pay for. Not that getting clear of Chinese supply isn't a good thing but I can assure you the current regime isn't doing it for the people's benefit but will make sure we have to spend hard just because they need it now for their own military endeavors.


Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!



  1. I agree with your analysis. Speaking of breaking old agreements, didn't Ukraine have an an agreement with Russia not to join NATO? Isn't breaking it what started this squabble? I remember when the Democrats were the party of "make love not war." How things have flipped.

    1. Leigh - Actually Russia had an agreement with Germany and really all of NATO for Ukraine to stay out of NATO and there were other agreements of course. There were even talks of Russia joining NATO themselves once in themselves back in 02 and 03 I believe.
      I for one was very relieved to see Russia becoming more like friends back then myself.
      Lot of water under that bridge that seemed to me all one sided IMO but maybe I am wrong.


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