Had a busy day at work. Looks like either corporate or the transport company or both are up to their old tricks again hiring massive amounts of untrained or under trained newbies as truckers and throwing them into combat on their own while delivering everything they can find so it looks like the vehicles are sold even when they sit around collecting dust. Of course as usual every f-150 not from the KC plants are completely drained of fuel. Some poor soul tried to deliver one last night and ran out of gas in the middle of the parking lot. First thing I had to do this morning was find the OSHA approved can and then figure out how to pour it with only two hands to move the now out of gas F-150 out of the drive so customers could come in.
All and all I ended up getting 15 assorted vehicles inputed, stickered and assigned etc today and it took me a good 8 hours most of that time was spent putting gas in empty tanks and moving them to where they are suppose to go rather than where ever the truck drivers thought was easiest. I also spent a good amount of time matching up keys to vehicles since it is too complicated for the factories to do that as a matter of habit or something.
I swear I am betting every new Ford younger than 2 years old is driving around with the wrong emergency keys inside their FOBs now due to simple factory incompetence. While I was straightening out the mess that was dropped off last night/early this morning two private haulers showed up and dumped two more (one each) F-150's on me in front of the sales lot with no paperwork and not even a hello or take these trucks and shove em memo. I just happened to see them as I left at 4PM.
So no matter what I know I have work for tomorrow lol. If those trucks are per-ordered I bet the customers got an email last week they were already here.
The bright spot of the day however was when I got home and noticed a brand new truckload of grass clippings steaming away at the top of my drive. I forgot Memorial day is Monday and the guy who has the contract to mow the small town cemetery about 2 miles down the road always collects the clipping on this weekend and brings em to me. He has been doing this for years and I just add em into my mulching and composting for that extra bit of Nitrogen I am usually lacking due to so much brown hay use. Several years ago all the loose silk flowers I picked up was kinda frustrating but they are all gone now in the more recent loads.
He uses an older f-350 and fills the bed with a tarp on the bottom and just drives up unloads em in the same spot we set up for him 10 years ago. I just find comfort in things like that. No muss no fuss just a little bit of effort that benefits everyone involved. I have a couple of buckets and just take a 10 gallon load out every time I go to the garden and just add em into the hay as I go. Saturday I will make a few trips directly to the compost piles though to get my green mixed in with my brown.
I got everything planted now but 12 Tomato plants I am giving a few more days to harden off and then I will start my Pumpkin seedlings. I filled a few bare area where the corn did not sprout as thick as I wanted and noticed the potatoes are now pushing through the mulch too. Gonna be interested to see how the corn and potatoes do in this new area and and more hands off way of growing em too.
Looking forward to a holiday weekend too!!!
Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!
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