Friday, September 19, 2014

Utopia Women Gone Wild?

Yep I am still watching this show because to be honest in some ways it's like watching something so horrible you cannot look away.

Not to make generalizations.... Oh what the hell people will think I am anyway so here it goes.

What the %$#$$ is going on with these Women on the show? It's like every one of them is a sex crazed exhibitionist. It seems to be almost all they talk about or think about. When they aren't talking about money or food anyway.

Of course it could just be the editors and such picking and choosing the footage to show I guess.

The doctor Woman and the Pregnant Black Woman are the only two I don't see getting naked regularly. The Newest Marketing Woman seems to be a bit openly restrained but more than willing to egg the debauchery on from the sidelines.

I am only guessing here but if the average age of the Male members were to lower itself to the average age of the Female members we would be seeing some serious issues develop. We may see some develop anyway as I am sure the newest Guy brought in is going to cause some bickering among the Women, or at least it looks like it's going to. Right now a significant number of the Men are older and/or married and not attractive to the Women. The Black Guy Cook seems to be staying out of the relationship market as well for some reason which really only leaves the four younger White guys as available so far to go between the five or possibly six Women with the newest marketing Woman maybe making number 7.

The financial front is looking a bit better for the Utopia crowd now or at least from what I see as it became obvious they were going to have the full backing and promotional support from the Network behind them. My bet is they start a fan product campaign run by Fox and the proceeds are then directed into their safe. It will all be behind the scenes mostly of course so we will never know how much of it is real or how much is Fox just making sure they have money. At least that is my bet as I heard someone mention merchandizing in the last episode. It also looks as if they are trying to make money off visitors as well starting with Yoga classes but adding in other stuff soon judging from the Fox network ads.

I know many are not interested in this show but I think there is a lot to learn here about basic human interactions in a small group. I am going to continue to watch because I am betting the dysfunction is going to really be telling here shortly. Things have calmed down a bit since the one Black guy with the explosive personality left but I am betting the others just need to simmer a bit longer before they explode and will then hold it as an issue much longer.

We will see I guess.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!


  1. I don't know, I can't bring myself to watch it. My chickens have similar goings on and the three roosters are having their way with the larger buff hens while leaving the little skinny white leghorns alone. I saw a white one chase a rooster the other day so they are beginning to simmer and may whoop up on the roosters. Well they would if they weren't all chicken. I sent you an email about a strange occurrence last night.

    1. Sf - I really like to observe people. Just watch and see how they will react to different circumstances etc. Therefore this type of show does have some appeal to me. I can see how it wouldn't to others though. Sometimes I see a reaction I can sit and think about it and wonder why for hours because it makes no sense to me.

  2. Like I said I think you'd enjoy the Island better. Here's a link Although to watcht e whole thing it is on YouTube

    1. KA - I actually would like each of them to be honest. All different backgrounds and types of observations interest me.

  3. Something tells me that reality shows have very little to do with reality and more with ratings and making money.
    Kev: The with-bear-grylls won't compete with Utopia, the island of bare girls for PP's attention..

    1. MV - Nah they blur it all out. I can see better over at Bubba's place :)

      BUT mark my words all that nudity is going to backfire on them some how and I want to see how.

  4. Rob - Well watching ISIS being bombed would have some entertainment value too :)

    However I have learned a few things about at least one member of certain demographics I previously had no experience of. It ay come in handy who knows?

  5. In the military there was a progression in most schools on how well people would react in a stressful situation and in my experience it seems to hold true.
    For about 2 weeks most people can work together well and hide any resentments for the "good of the group"
    At 3-4 weeks people will form clicks and get very resentful and wish to go it alone. As the lazy tend to start showing up at this time. In my experience this is the time a good leader takes charge to bring members back into the group and provide a goal. I have done it a couple of times and I was not the recognized "leader" I simply started finding a good common ground that worked for most people and reached out to include those that did not want to play.
    My system worked for most as I was not in a leadership position or a threat but some people just don't play well with others.
    Most people can not shift gears when confronted with a real survival life/death situation. While I have not watched the show . The people involve know they are not in any real danger any more than a gamer playing "Call of Duty" is endangered of being made SF and shipped to the Ukraine or Iraq.
    Around the 4-6 week mark there will be a leader emerge and at least 50-65% will hate him/her and the leader will provide purpose, direction and motivation and suspect many will get all butt hurt because they think either they or others of their click should be in charge.

    1. MASR - My experiences along those lines always carried the weight of authority or dire consequences behind it so I don't know. I remember certain aspects of command being covered but have forgotten if time lines were ever given for breakdowns as such and I never remember any information pertaining to non-military groups honestly.

      I would say with the crowd they have it won't take nearly as long. Looks like from the show last night that they are going to try and boot the crazy Bella chick out next week now too.


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