Monday, September 29, 2014

Buy Propane and Natural Gas Futures :)

The big Farmers around here have had to stop harvesting a couple of times this season because their bins are filling up. They need to stop and allow the dryers to get the feed corn and such to the proper moisture levels before moving it into other storage arrangements. If this keeps up and we get the harsh Winter some are predicting might be a good time to invest in Natural Gas and Propane a bit because we are going to use a lot of it.

Luckily the weather and temperatures look like they have been cooperating in spades so there hasn't been any worry or the added tension of a massive rush to get it all done.  The atmosphere has been quite festive as a matter of fact. Smiles everywhere, the buzz of the dryers being heard all over the countryside, tractors, combines and loaded trucks along the roads traveling at leisurely speeds for a change. I haven't even noticed any real breakdowns or ad-hoc in the field repair programs going on this year either.

It really has been a good year for this part of the country even if we were always right on the edge of being a bit too dry the entire growing season. Overall it worked out to being just enough moisture to allow everything to flourish and retain good ground conditions for harvesting and transport.  We had enough rain for the beans and corn to produce but not so much to diminish the fruit and nut crops. We did have some chaotic early conditions that harmed the Apples and Peaches a bit though and that dry spell killed my Pumpkins (maybe) or it could have been bad cross pollinated seed on my part too.

The Goldenrod flow is just about over although the Asters and late Sunflowers will allow the girls some more forage opportunities for a few more weeks yet. I plan on starting my Fall honey pulls this afternoon after I get the truck and trailer unloaded from yesterday's wood cutting. Unloading this morning has proven a slow process as I am still rather sore and stiff from yesterday's workout and unlike last week it doesn't seem to be working it's way out as fast.

The Tomato plants that are left in the garden are blooming like crazy once again although the grass hoppers are making short work of anything that starts to fruit. I even found another Hornworm the other day and I think I maybe had less than half a dozen of them all year. Wish I could say the same about the damned Squash bugs.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!


  1. I haven't heard blowers around here yet but they usually used them on beans and turn the corn into silage, probably haven't harvested soy beans yet.Everyone is worked up about a new pipeline that they are bring east through our county, guess Obama hasn't heard about it or he would have killed the project.

    1. Sf - I live right next to prolly the largest farmer in the county. At least I know he collects more Federal Ag money than anyone else :)

      His spending saved my hayfield actually but I think you have heard that story. Anyway he runs that dryer on his large grain silo from about the end of September until December at least...if not longer. I have just come to associate that hmmmm with Fall anymore.

  2. They are doing silage now, no feed corn or beans yet. Some are getting finished with bailing. It was warm here the last 3 days high's above 80.

    1. Rob - Been really warm here the last week or so. Mid 80's almost everyday and dry as a bone once again. They been running the feed corn combines almost constantly the last few days now but stopped this morning once again. I assume they ran out of room this time as well.

  3. Our golden rod is in full bloom.. up and down all the roads, in all the fields, it all looks yellow. We have started harvesting the pecans off the one tree we have on the property, trying to beat the squirrels to it is becoming absolute warfare. Senior is ready to start plinking at them with a .22

    1. JuGM - Pecans did well up here too although I don't have access to any for picking I know where several are that belong to others and they were dropping limbs from the weight this year. Some of the Goldenrod is still blooming enough to get the girls to work it here but most has dried up now. That's ok though they switch to the wild Asters very easily.

    2. Oh ya... Tell Him to try the BRAINS!!!! LOL

  4. Our goldenrod is about done, so I harvested the honey. I'll still have to go back and get the last of it in a couple weeks, but I'm glad I got most of it done now. I don't like doing it when it's cold.

    1. Xl - Been out harvesting honey this afternoon myself. I actually harvest several times during the year so that I can get different seasonal honey for my allergy clients but the big one comes now and so far it hasn't disappointed me. More to come on that tonight.


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