Thursday, July 24, 2014

Tractor Time : A Job Well Done

Now that most everyone has their second cutting of hay in it's time to look back at a job well done.

There really isn't much else to be said now is there?


  1. a happy end

    you're friend kimber

    1. Kymber uses a Y BTW. You must be a new friend named Kimber. Glad to meet you :)

  2. Replies
    1. Even a used one with those rear end accessories would be fine with me :)

  3. It took me at least 4 or 5 times looking at this post to realize there were words. I'm with Sunnybrook, I gotta get a new tractor, those newer models have a great looking rear body style.

    1. K - Ya words kinda were not needed for this post :)

  4. For whatever reason, we've still to have most of the hay guys get a second cutting done. They waited too long this year and didn't get anyting done until like two weeks AFTER Memorial Day (easy for me to say, who does not grow, cut, row & bale hay). I kept saying to myself "what ARE they waiting for?" and then we got lots of rain so nobody could cut. All that rain could have done wonders for the grasses right after a cutting, but apparently it was not to be. Oh well, we've got our hay supply spoken for. Hope everyone else is ok.

    1. Carolyn - Maybe even though you didn't get any rain they were predicting thunderstorms? I know for most of May and June even though we didn't get em they were predicting a high chance that we would. So high in fact many people were afraid to cut the stuff because it would get rained on. Just a thought.


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