Saturday, July 26, 2014

Tractor Time - Is this the same tractor?

Now you tell me dear readers, can there in fact be two of these little toy John Deere tractors out there which just happen to be available to a pretty girl who wants with all her heart to become a tractor operator?

Perhaps you will remember this oldie but goodie from one of the first "Tractor Time" posts I did. I think it was one to give Matt hope that he too could get a sexy tractor.

Same tractor? Yes or No?

I think someone has inflated the tires a bit and expanded on the curves a little here and there but overall I think we are just looking at a time lapsed photo of the same tractor. Or not.

Tell me what ya think.


  1. Now that is a real nice tractor I could do some work with that!

    1. LOL did you even read the words that went with this tractor post?

    2. I was told there would be no reading I just come for the pics:)

  2. You people are not playing by the rules damnit!!!!

  3. Hey
    there is a tractor there! It looks identical if not uncomfortable. I could afford one of those and start my own tractor driving school on craigslist.

  4. nice melon harvest

    you're friend kimber

    1. Those melons will poke his eyes out, please be careful PP!

  5. I don't think it's the same girl. Not unless some time passed and she used it to put on a little weight.

    1. Finally a visitor who did more than look at the pictures!!! LOL.

      I don't know Harry I really think that is the same girl or the same photographer who get's lucky in his models. I cropped a bit off the picture but that toy tractor is missing a front wheel in both pictures. I really think it is the same girl before and after a breast job and a few pounds as you say.

    2. They are two different girls, but think you are spending way to much time on tractor girls.
      A faithful reader who would rather see some shirtless farmboys on tractors.

    3. See now why would you want to do that to this blog? You may say you want to see man-kins but what always happens is like a strip club that begins showing the chippendales too much eventually everyone leaves.

      Besides we are looking at the tractors :)

  6. Alright that's three (one private) to one against it being the same girl. I guess I was wrong. Must just be the same photographer or studio or something.

  7. Same gal. Wife said so as well.

    1. Finally I have supporters. I really think it is the same girl myself and these pics were taken years apart but who knows.


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