Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Secession Movement is Gaining Momentum

I don't really push the secession movements very much really anymore. I will talk about it from time to time when I see it come up somewhere and I still have my "do it Texas" banner up but far too many people still believe it is a pipe dream or somehow a sin to promote it. I on the other hand still feel it is more than likely inevitable at this point that full blown secession will have to happen eventually.

Like most things of this scale of importance however, 99% of the people are going to have to come to the same conclusion on their own and that isn't going to happen over night and certainly not in one step. They are going to need to take baby steps to get there.

I can tell you however it is starting to take on more momentum every time I see it come up somewhere else across the Internet. Not directly yet, it is more centered in counties trying to form their own states or break away from the Liberal urban cesspits that are holding them captive.

Secession movement in New York pushes for Big Apple to split from upstate


The Birth of the American City State

As I was saying above it took almost two years for enough people to finally see things we were talking about here right after the last election. The cities are sucking us dry.

And they are not going to let us go. They plan on continuing the wealth transfer to pay for their pensions and social engineering efforts forever if they can.

After amnesty goes through there will be nothing to stop the wholesale rape of rural America except secession. The ballot box will not be available to us and when we say "enough" we will have to back it up because they are not going to let their taxes, production and food go easily.

Then again that is assuming the entire house of cards doesn't come apart before it gets that far. Which is very possible.

In fact though I say secession is inevitable I still think financial collapse is the more immediate danger. But we will see.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!!



  1. I see the secession movement popping up everywhere. It's a matter of whether Christians will be allowed to be Christians or whether they will be forced to support a State that openly opposes their values.

    Most recently: The Kansas bill.

    "Under the bill’s language, individuals, businesses and government employees would be immune from legal reprisal for refusing service if they have “sincerely held religious beliefs” opposing customers’ marriages."

    If there is any doubt left that Jefferson's unfortunate letter advising the "high wall of separation" has become nothing more than a vehicle for the oppression of Christian values, it's quickly disappearing.

    The suggestion that the laws and institutions to which we give our lifeblood can be voided of our Spirit is a lie we are fed to distract us while they are filled with the evil of Satan.

    It will only hold for so long. And the dam is breaking. We are winning. But of course that makes the enemy more dangerous than ever.

    1. Grizzly Adams - Far too many people out there who are Christian have become so disillusioned with the various churches that they don't defend the basic culture at all any longer. Or so I feel. I remind people constantly that even if they are not practicing Christians their very morals are still Christian based.

      I like that Kansas law you mention but I had not heard of it before.

      I also hope you are right about us winning. I feel we are but I wonder about things like the Amnesty. Hispanics maybe largely Christian but they have some strange leftist beliefs that may lead the left the numbers they need.

    2. Many Spanish groups actually lean Republican when given the chance. I would characterize most of them as more centrist than left. But various immigration and English language initiatives tend to drive them away. There are some very vocal left leaning folks of course. But it is similar to the African Americans, they are culturally very conservative (they vote massively against gay rights around here), but their leadership is often very left because of the (recent) historic association with the Democrats.

      A lot of the idea of one group or another being right or left, and certainly not Republican or Democrat, is not nearly as set in stone as a lot of people would think. The shift of Evangelicals from heavy supporters of the Progressive Movement to the Conservative Republicans is one case that tends to give people pause. Recall Williams Jennings Bryan (Scopes Monkey Trial) was a Progressive, and heavily supported by the Evangelicals.

  2. The curtain will have to be pulled back on the progressive movement and their organized century old conquest of the country and the brainwashing involved. A split will come with a new generation of patriots as the older generations have it made with the current system and want the young to finance their lives.

    1. Sf - That's true. Man can you imagine if I were to post and say that about the older generation. WOW the blowback. LOL and they accuse me of being controversial.

      However ya know I do see it. The older people seem to be content to not rock the boat... Very interesting observation I might just doa post about my thoughts on that subject.

  3. it is beginning. there is an exchange of personnel going on. more libs are headed to the cities, more patriots are headed to the country/state that aligns with their views. choosing up sides. the patriots have to understand revolution is a no go. they will be labeled terrorists and the sheep will believe. secession give us a legit political base, the state/county, and the regime would be hard pressed to label say texas as a terrorist state. i have read some lib comment to the idea of "let them go, who needs them anyway" i laugh my ass off every time. where do they think their food, fuel and everything else comes from? libs produce nothing.

    1. RR - I hope that you are right. And yes I have to laugh as well these leftist really do not understand production and what real wealth is. My top rated post on the left shows that in the comments section.

  4. I'm all for it. The different parts of the country have different views on just about everything. It makes sense to me to let people live in an environment they are comfortable with. As long as we are all roped together against our will, the Northeast and California will keep trying to make everybody else toe their line. Let them go their way, and we can go our way.

    1. Harry - The problem is they know they can't let us go. Oh the general useful liberal sheep still believe the cities are the producers but the actual leaders understand the only way they can continue is to rob from the rural and they won't let us go quietly I am afraid.

  5. Secession movement is alive and well in northeast
    California and southeast Oregon.

    1. Tewshooz - That is good to hear and know. Sadly the only first hand knowledge I have about Kalifornia is from the San Diego and LA areas but what little I do know the N. Cali residents really need to shake off the rest of Kalifornia bad.

  6. I would be interested to see in Northeast California and Oregon go anywhere. Of the Pacific Coast/ Northwest, I believe they have the best chance of making a breakthrough simply because of the fact they are relatively isolated from the rest of their states.

    1. TB - I hope they do but I fear the socialist down South will do everything in their power to stop it. They cannot afford to let them go.


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