Tuesday, July 16, 2013

No Limit Nigga - How Far Will This Go?

So it appears the riots are escalating a bit the last few days. What we may want to ask ourselves at this point is how far will they go?

To date I am batting a complete zero with the Zimmerman fiasco. I have been wrong on every call I predicted, to be totally honest, so perhaps I am just so totally biased in this regard that I can't see reality here.

As for our question of how far though the answer actually has some connection to the trial.

No Limit Nigga.

To be more precise there is nothing standing in their way until we defend ourselves. Admittedly us defending ourselves scares the hell outta all the Trayvonistas out there, or at least the ones who know the real score. The actual numbers and end result might keep things from going too far.

Bottom line. If it stops then it stops on it's own and by it's own because ladies and gentlemen... And let this sink in..... at this point they have complete control. The supporters of this movement are the ones in charge.

Keep this in mind because we are sitting at a very dangerous crossroads right now.

The police are mostly standing down or watching the limited carnage. At best they are taking the few victims so far to the hospital. The major metropolitan police forces are almost all headed up by Affirmative Action "No Limit Niggas" or a close ally group with skin in the AA game. Justice for Trayvon posters adorn the DoJ. "My people" Holder is screaming for a lynching as I write this down at the NAACP convention in Florida. Old White Male Generals have been replaced by militant LGBT soldiers at an alarming rate and violent pro Black groups make public death threats without so much as a thought to any legal pursuit.

The only limit to how far these riots can go at the moment is whatever restraints it's leaders put in place.

Of course as it grows there will be some defense but do the ones in charge think it might be worth it?

As Conservatives, Patriots, whatever we are as a group, we have no leaders. We have a number of State governments but the actual leaders at the Federal level are all on the other side. The only safety we have is that most of us are not inside the riot zones.

Think about it. Are the Femocrat mayors of LA, Oakland, Atlanta, etc. going to really push their diversity police forces to crack down on the riots? They might if it gets to a certain point but only to save the property in those cities. Maybe.

So the real question is how far will the leaders of this riot/movement allow things to go? I am not sure the answer is something I want to think about because I know how those leaders feel about me....

And in case you are not getting it. They feel the same way about you.

Keep Prepping Everyone!!!


  1. Thank you for the new word of the day.. "Trayvonistas"
    It is all in the grand plan of Obama and Holder, so they can justify Martial Law.

    1. This has been my fear all along.

      I have stated before elsewhere that if you are in an area where troops are sent to clamp down on these folks' rioting, then, just as in Katrina, don't be surprised if gun confiscation erupts.

      It's happened before.... it can certainly happen again.

    2. JuGM - I swiped that term from DailyKen actually.

      And yes those two are playing for somekind of advantage. Just what exactly remains to be seen.

  2. No more 22 EDC...moving on up to my Flash Bang Mustang.....

  3. OK, I have to admit to not knowing much more than what the non-giant news people have blurbed about, but what I keep wondering is this...

    If Zimmerman WERE convicted, would there be rioting in the streets by the "other" groups? Maybe I'm delusional, but I tend to think not.

    1. Carolyn - I heard a rumor, or rather read a rumor that there were some people down there that planned on doing something if he had been convicted. Mostly just a vague mention kinda thing.

  4. The only local radio station we have up here is a talk news station. I was listening to Hannity this afternoon and he was going through all the incidents where members of a certain ethnic group were busy beating up anybody who looked white to them. So far joggers, bicyclists, and people going to the drug store seem to have been "thumped for Trayvon." Hannity pointed out that there was an amazing dearth of arrests associated with this stuff. I remember the L.A. riots. I hope people out there are taking a page out of the Korean Shopkeepers book and arming up, just in case. So far L.A. has had minor problems but that place is a fire cracker waiting for a match. Glad I live up here on the mountain.

    1. HF - It could get interesting. I wish I lived as far out of the way as you do though.

  5. My question then is this. What do hardworking, anti FSA and loyal black Americans do to assist in stopping this nonsense? I agree with those commenting that this a volitale combination of race card playing politics I agree that LGBT forces in the military are watching, strategizing and waiting. I've been serving since the year after 9/11 and can confirm the factual truth about the progressive social experiment takeover of all branches of our military. I've seen real soldiers, enlisted and commisioned, run out of the service on a rail for refusing to tow the PC line. It's not that Jeantel cannot read cursive. It's that 19 year old Jeantel camnot tead well. That in itself is a grave tragedy. Where is the progressive outrage about that? Without question, it's not wrapped up in their bullsit about her being bilingual, a Hatian immigrant and talking slang as a cover for her poor literacy skills. Please, someone provide a sensinle response.

    1. CavMedic - Thank you. No one really ever believes me when I point out how this regime has been sacking the old school officers left and right.

      Pay Attention Russ :)

      As to your last question to bring that up would be attacking the Femocrat Leftest Teacher and Union allies. So they have to go a different direction.

      Back to your first question I don't know. Seriously Black patriots are gonna have it harder than anyone if this thing continues to grow. I think they will have one thing going for them though in that most patriots and Conservatives look at the facts and judge by them. After that it is just a matter of showing your on their side I guess.

  6. Rob - I would say your timing was quite fortuitous indeed.

  7. The whole thing is so sad. Trayvon was 17 and didn't have terrific reasoning skills. His friend Rachel suggested to him over the phone that the "creepy white guy" shadowing him might be gay and might be intending to rape him. (This according to Rachel's interview with that insufferable Piers Morgan yesterday) He attacked George Zimmerman because he thought he was gay ! George Zimmerman should not have followed, and should have watched Trayvon from the car. However, when he was attacked and feared for his life he defended himself with his legal weapon. It's over now. Sometimes there is a high price for ill considered actions.


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