
Thursday, January 4, 2024

Still Cutting Wood



When I woke up this morning I was immediately greeted by a news report dealing with how our fashitst dictator Biteme was committed to make sure that no women would be laid off during the downturn like Men. That was nice and wholesome of him don't ya think? Spoken like a true American President worried about any and all Americans you see. It was followed quickly followed by a Biden pledge to in crease the funding for females in government, I am sure you know how short we are and all.

I spent  the day removing some small trees from the upper East pasture. I had planted a bunch of Walnuts and some other assorted trees up there and several of them needed thinning and cleaning up and it was a super nice day out. The forecast surprised me as ever since the Day after Christmas every blue haired Liberal has been screaming we are targeted for feet of snow for the next few weeks= no bias there at all.

I tried for hours to just take a simple picture but finally gave op when I found out I now could not even send a pic through email and gave up. Apparently all attachments sent these days have to be government approved  and paid for in some way.

At the very least pretty much the rest of the day was entertaining as every body attached the Feminist lies and double standards every chance they had. Never did fall wooler than 48 that I saw.


Keep Prepping Everyone!!!




  1. Have you seen fearless leader's new campaign commercial? He, slurring his words so badly they are barely decipherable, basically condems anyone who did not vote for him. I'm guessing future commercials will feature the reeducation camps.

    1. I think so... MAde me cringe a lot,


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